the AB is always horrible, damage is mediocre and ac sucks too. my main problem is really the AB, but I don't know how to make it better without sacrificing other necessary things. Maybe I'll give up and go back to scripting...

Edited By PerfectRandomness on 05/16/09 15:54

You can always ask the guild for help. One thing you might do is rethink what you consider necessary things that hurt your AB. Start with a concept and then work toward effect.

For AB, some easy things to use are:
1) heavy melee class levels pre-epic
2) cleric levels to buff ab
3) high STR score
4) Red Dragon Disciphle levels to boost STR
5) a ton of Arcane Archer levels

For damage;
1) high STR score
2) lots of Arcane Archer levels
3) divine damage from spells and feats
4) flameweapon
5) wide selection of Ranger class favored enemies
6) Fighter feat specialization in a weapon
7) Bardsong

For AC
1) tumble skill from bard, monk, rogue and assassin
2) epic mage armor
3) heavy armor and shield for low dexers
4) high DEX score
5) monk w/ high wisdom
6) palemaster bone skin

Try not to spread your focus to too many things or you will end up not being good at anything. I noticed spell casting was not a major concern for you, but the bard class is a stepping stone to two of the most broken prestige classes out there: RDD and palemaster. Those are the basics, and I'm sure I'm leaving a lot out, but the above should get you going. OMG! The OP gives absolutely NO help for us to help him! While you were at it, why didnt you just ask for the uberist build in the world? Heh, no need to mock him into the uberest build, he wants to improve his building, not us to give him a build, which is ok, but it's so damn vague I don't know how to start.

Quote: by PerfectRandomness
my main problem is really the AB, but I don't know how to make it better without sacrificing other necessary things.

There you have your problem, there is no such thing as a "necessary" thing in a build. If I want to make a build with 50 unbuffed AB at level 40, I find what can give me that much and I use it, I'll end up with a Fighter/Bard/RDD, Weapon Master or Arcane Archer. So it's my fault I wanted so much AB and my class choices were kinda limited, but if I get what I wanted then I should be happy. In the end, I figured out AB was most important, so all the other stuff can go to hell.

What can be more important to a meleer than AB, AC and damage? you make no sense with the "necessary things".

But really, what can be classified as "necessary"? spells? no, just take non-caster classes and there's nothing wrong about it. Dev crit? no, that's a good boost for PvP but actually it will hinder your stats a bit. Sneak attack? no, I never play sneakers and I'm fine. Skills? not really, you should have Discipline if you're a meleer or Spellcraft/Concentration if you're a caster and Tumble/UMD whenever the opportunity sprouts because that's being smart, but if you don't want to take them, who cares? all for the sake of high stats, you'll find out it's doable. AC? no, if you kill faster than you get killed, you can survive pretty well with a low AC, and spells hit you anyway. AB? not if you're a caster, but yes if you're a meleer or ranger, and you can still survive well with a lowish AB if your AC is superb, basically you can't get both AB and AC uber high at the same time.
"My name is Thaxll'ssyllia, but you simians may refer to me merely as "Sir", if you prefer a less... syllable intensive workout."

Edwin Odesseiron - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 05/17/09 17:40

ueah sorry for the vague topic, I was in a pretty bad mood in general... Really what I was looking for were suggestions for ways to get good AB, AC or damage. I've been experimenting more and what I found is that even with meleers, buffs are key. Without them I seem to fail in general. Well, an important point can be what is high stats for you?. If you're playing on a really hardcore server maybe even high stats seem lousy.

Or just play an easy build! a Fighter/Rogue/Weapon Master, dexer and with Epic Dodge, nets high AB and good defense with lots of criticals and some sneak attack to make up for the damage. A Monk/Cleric or Fighter/Cleric are usually easy. Any build with 20 pre-epic levels of a high BAB class + Bard + 10 levels of Red Dragon Disciple in epics will have a great AB and deal plenty of damage with a two handed weapon.

Make sure not to waste stats. Many people start with 10 charisma on builds that can't even use charisma, or wisdom, happens all the time.
"My name is Thaxll'ssyllia, but you simians may refer to me merely as "Sir", if you prefer a less... syllable intensive workout."

Edwin Odesseiron - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 05/18/09 02:25

Meleers depend a lot on gear. I know from experience that in a low magic environment a build that is Fighter/WM for example can be an epic fail or at best a glass cannon. With +5 gear they do better, though it depends on how challenging the server is. Well, if you're on a low magical server you could very well try a Druid/Monk, those work cool on low magic.
"My name is Thaxll'ssyllia, but you simians may refer to me merely as "Sir", if you prefer a less... syllable intensive workout."

Edwin Odesseiron - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn I have tried a Monk/Druid/Shifter and when he is buffed and in Iron Golem form he is pretty decent with unarmed strike. His AB is a bit low though. Druid 38 / Monk 2 works better than a Druid/Monk/Shifter IMO, a lot of more spellpower, a much stronger animal companion and dragon is still the strongest shift, so you end pretty versatile.
"My name is Thaxll'ssyllia, but you simians may refer to me merely as "Sir", if you prefer a less... syllable intensive workout."

Edwin Odesseiron - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn