Hi all, I need advices on a bard/BG/Arcane Duelist build I wanna make. Should I post the character build/ lvl distribution here, on PRC builds or on builds help? I dont want it to end in the wrong location
K.M. aka Chillychill

"Y'a pire que ne pas pouvoir, y'a savoir qu'on peut et ne jamais tenter" For PRC? or NWN2?

If you want to, post it here. It would be most helpful to ALSO post a link to the page for deulist as most of us are rusty with PRC rules (if making for a pw, maybe to the changes the PW has made too). That way you have a decent shot in getting help. Otherwise, just posting a PRC without links means you probably wont get any help at all. alright, thx
K.M. aka Chillychill

"Y'a pire que ne pas pouvoir, y'a savoir qu'on peut et ne jamais tenter"