Rules or rather a standard outline to follow

First: Make sure that you include the class name in the header that you will be discussing about. But if it is about ability in general, then don't mind this rule then.


specific topic: "Dwarven Defender Defensive Cabilities"

general topic: "Strength, how to use it"


If you plan to talk about specific class, do not include any other class unless it is necessary. The reason for that is so it would be easier to compile the information about that specific class in future.

However, if you want to talk about how to improve the specific class by mixing (an)other class(es). Then post it as long it has been tested and been proven to work. And if possible, include the reason for taking another class, such as to improve AB, or the saves, etc.

Third: If possible, please include comments about the class, ie; what do you think about it, etc. But it is not necessary, but it would be nice since it can help others who are reading would have clearer idea why he or she would chose this class based on other's comments. But again, this is optional, not required!

fourth: This is add-on outline for the second rule, second paragraph.

When you want to talk about more than one class, make a topic that would contain one or two class.

ex: Main Topic: Druid

Some person's reply, they should include this in the reply on the top.

Druid-Champion of Torm Symbiosis
*Message that you want to add to the main topic*

Reason for all outline above:

The reason for above rules/outline is that I am planning to do something like this.


Class: Druid
stats that this class has, etc...

Champion of Torm Symbiosis
stats combined with druid, etc...

Shifter Symbiosis
Same as above.

and so on...

I hope this makes sense.

Thank you all for your involvement!

- Epic Character Builders Guild

- Life is but a dream...

- I know more than I am letting on...

-I think, Therefore I am.

Edited By Anuis on 02/07/05 18:53