Is this build possible? Maybe SD/Fighter/RDD? Your thoughts please. You need either Bard or Sorcerer levels to be an RDD. You'll need to say a bit more to let us know what exactly you're looking for. Tank with epic dodge and RDD is a little vague. You'll basically end up with (Bard or Sorc.)/RDD/(Rogue or Shadowdancer).
Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do. Now that I think about it is it possible to get Epic Dodge, 7 lvls of WM AND dev crit. I'm thinking best road would be finesse fighter w/ 11+ SD lvls. the 11th SD lvl for maxing hide, move silently and tumble. I want mostly WM and fighter lvls because they get more health points every level than a shadowdancer does. Scratch the RDD, on the server i play on there's a low percentage of being able to become one.

Edited By Pickleweaseler on 02/16/05 00:48

No guarrantees it will be a competent build, because the STR and DEX requirements are high coupled with feat requirements for weapon master, but here goes.

First race: elf, and human come to mind right away. I think I we need a high dex though so we'll start with an elf.

Race Elf

Attributes: You need a 25 Str and a 25 dex, I think I'll go str heavy, but you need a high STR and DEX to begin with, at least a 13 INT and the rest to CON.

Base Attributes
STR 16
DEX 18
CON 10
INT 14

Leveling: partially decided by AB, partially by feats. We need at least 16 attribute bonuses (10 from level increases, 6 from epic feats). We need bonus feats, We want at least 16 rogue levels (3 feats: improved evasion, defensive roll and epic dodge). We'll go for 7 WM levels, leaving 16 fighter levels. In epic levels we need overwhelming critical, and devastating critical, epic weapon focus and epic weapon specialization would be nice too. Pre-epic we need dodge, mobility, spring attack, expertise, whirlwind attack, weapon focus, improved critical, power attack, cleave and great cleave. Weapon specialization, knockdown and toughness would be nice too.

Leveling guide
Level 1: Rogue
Levels 2-5: Fighter
Level 6: Rogue
Levels 7-10: Fighter
Level 11: Rogue
Levels 12-15: Weapon Master
Level 16: Rogue
Levels 17-19: Weapon Master
Levels 20-21: Fighter
Levels 22-28: Rogue
Levels 29-32: Fighter
Levels 33-36: Rogue
Levels 37-38: Fighter
Levels 39-40: Rogue

Final Level Distribution
Fighter 16
Rogue 17
Weapon Master 7

Attribute bonuses
Levels 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 40 will increase STR
Levels 28, 32 and 36 will increase DEX

Level 1: Dodge
Level 2: Weapon Focus ()
Level 3: Mobility, Expertise
Level 5: Weapon Specialization ()
Level 6: Spring Attack
Level 8: Whirlwind Attack
Level 9: Improved Critical ()
Level 10: Knockdown
Level 12: Power Attack, Weapon of Choice ()
Level 15: Cleave
Level 18: Great Cleave
Level 21: Great Strength I, Epic Weapon Focus ()
Level 24: Great Strength II
Level 27: Great Strength III, Improved Evasion
Level 30: Overwhelming Critical (), Great Dexterity I
Level 32: Devastating Critical ()
Level 33: Great Dexterity II
Level 34: Defensive Roll
Level 36: Great Dexterity III
Level 38: Epic Weapon Specialization ()
Level 39: Great Dexterity IV, Epic Dodge

Final Attributes
STR 26
DEX 25
CON 10
INT 14

AB with mundane weapon of choice should be

Hit points will be 332 (maximum every level)

Saving Throws will be
Fortitude 19
Reflexes 29
Will 15

You should have 292 skill points to spend as you would like.

It won't be a great build, but it might be fun. Watch out for the XP penalty. I don't think that shadowdancer will work as well because you need a hide of 10 which means that you can't take any levels until level 18 and you need at least 13 levels to get epic dodge (need to take it as a bonus feat). It could be done, but I think rogue would end up a bit better.
Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do. Thanks for the build, will try it out.