
I currently have a sorcerer level 16. First time I play a sorcerer and notice that the strategy of what spell to take is at the "levelup". I usually play a mage and there is quite a good difference. More higher you go more attention you have to take on what spell to choose.

Ex. Greater stoneskin and Premonition, I do not believe the effect stack. So I could remove one of them.

Here is my question:
What will be a good selection of spell of spell for a sorcerer who can work alone, but most of the time work in party (because of that do not do alots of close combat) ?

- greyhat

Edited By greyhats on 03/18/05 14:35

Quote: Posted 03/18/05 14:34:01 (GMT) -- greyhats
I usually play a mage
Aaaargh... get it right people. Wizard associated with scrolls; Sorcerer associated with dragon blood... but BOTH ARE MAGES... might as well go on and call them rouges, same thing *ducks and waits for CD to get wind of it all*

Ex. Greater stoneskin and Premonition, I do not believe the effect stack. So I could remove one of them.
They don't stack, BUT once the better runs out, the other will kick in.. since both are +5; one being /30 the other /10, it will at least leave you a little damage protection. But you should not be going into melee...
Here is my question:
What will be a good selection of spell of spell for a sorcerer who can work alone, but most of the time work in party (because of that do not do alots of close combat) ?

- greyhat
Mind Blank; Flameblade, greater magic weapon, Truesight, improved invis, Prot from Elements, endurance, bull str for buffing your party.
For you:
*Greater Sanctuary so you can get out of a tight spot quick.
*EPIC=warding, Death Shield, Elemental shield, Mestils Acid sheath - for when you have to pull your party's butt's out the fire.
*IGMS, and VERY IMPORTANTLY bigbies (all you can afford, at least Grasping and Crushing) - some will argue (wrongly) that IGMS is unbalanced (they'd be very wrong), ignore those posts - they don't play mages enough to understand why.
*Dominate Monster - get your hands on one of the mob, buff them and let them loose on their own mates..
*Flame Arrow. At lvl30+ this delivers similar damage to IGMS and is SINGLE TARGET - though fire based, and much lower level.

There are more, but that should start you off..

Edited By Khandahr on 03/18/05 15:23

If possible Id nearly always take timestop as one of my level 9 sorc spells, just because sometimes g'sanc isnt enough (due to the bugs with g sanc and imp invis) and it allows a few seconds of rebuffing time, or a window to unleash a hail of maxed/empowered igms and or horrid wiltings. Timestop is ok... though a sorcerer has only three spells at lvl9. To be honest, these should be three of (just imho, mind):
*Bigby's Crushing Hand
*Mordenkainen's Disjunction [believe it, you're gonna need if if up against a monk/cleric hybrid - or even pure monk]. Up against a casting class, no contest this should be in your collection.
*Wail of the Banshee [sorcerers can make GOOD spam-wailers, depending on immunities on your server/module]
*Black Blade of Disaster, if modified to be non dev-critting
Also, 9 seconds is not really that much of a timeboost - and most pw's modify it simply because it causes problems.