Im looking for a new build, id like it to have about 30 str, and at least 14 con, on the server its for i can use dev crit, and is heavy on the role play. discpline is a must to have maxed, and so is tumble. a healthy dose of listen and persuade, and well balanced stats please, nothing with a negative modifier. The final AB id like to be 61 with a plus 8 sword, or better if possible. and at least 500 health unbuffed, but more is possible. post the build here or send it to thank you ...Build Requests - Search the posted builds first

Quote: Kaliban99
Before you spam the Build Request topic/thread with a new request, be sure to search through the list of posted builds. Then, if you see something similar to what you want but not ideal you can post that so builders have a better idea of what you're looking for. eg "I'm looking for a fighter-barbarian with great DR. I checked out the Sassy Barbarian build, but suspenders are outlawed on my PW so I need something a little different, maybe with cummerbund instead?"

Seriously though, someone said they wanted a melee build with fighter and barbarian levels that had good HP and good DR. Off the top of my head I could think of three builds posted already that meet that criteria. Just go to the list of builds and hit Control-F for find, then enter the desired class in the search field. Or better you, install the MSN toolbar that has the Highlight function so it highlights all instances of that word on the entire page and has a mini-view that lets you jump down the page to the highlighted text.

And repliers... when you're replying with suggestions you should QUOTE the request post to which you're resoponding so readers know which build request you're addressing.

You don,t say if you,ve already looked here Build,s Index .....before posting a request.

Edited By griphook on 03/20/05 21:50

i did look, couldnt find anything like what i wanted can any one show me how this build would be done?