Ok, the majority of monks go dex based and are hard to hit, other monks go for heavy dmg. My rdd monk get's 4 dmg free but it's still pretty much all dex. I was wondering if there was a build that had high AC but still a decent damage output that dexers lack.
Oh, I only make fist monks as a matter of principle
STATISTICS: Hit Points: 536 AC: 33 Will Save: 23 Fort. Save: 31 Ref. Save: 21 Spell Resistance: 34 Damage Reduction: 15/-
Nice, I'll run some tests over this and get back to you on how well it fairs
AB is a tad low.. but the idea has triggered some things in my head..
Epic weapon specialisation gives you the equivalent of an extra 12 STR. This isnt the only way to boost melee damage.
AB is a tad low.. but the idea has triggered some things in my head..
I guess my focus was more on the "balanced" part.
So I guess you want more fighter levels and higher STR.
Well, balanced is one thing.. but if he can't hit anything then ya know
I think more STR would do it, maybe taking out the impr SR since you're never gonna beat a serious mage without 50+ SR
Well, I don't know if you'd call this one a "balanced" monk, even though it's got 9 monk lvls. It's a build that focuses on Cha and has a lot of pally lvls. Divine might and shield help damage and defence. The char uses monk gear and fists/kama.
It's just a different way to go about it, so I thought I could post it here: Click Here _________________ I generally avoid temptation, unless I can't resist it...
Certainly seems like a "fun" idea