I am playing on a new mod that uses PrC. As I have never played either single-player or on a mod before utilizing PrC, I need help with my build please.

I am looking to create a strong sorceror character for both PvM and PvP. I have chosen lawful good for my alignment. The character definitely need not be an "exhalted sorceror." In fact, I would rather incorporate the PrC classes in the build. The mod I am playing on is a moderate magic world. From reading my mod's forums, I have discerned that at epic levels, the save DC's for the bosses/mobs are quite high. In addition, this world has altered several spells. First, shield gives shield armor +4 and not a deflection bonus. Second, ghostly visage and etheral visage provide protection against spammed IGMS. Third, the biggy's spells have been modified to make them somewhat harder to succeed.

Thanks in advance for your help... I just realized that since I am still level 1, it would be very easy to start the character over. In that case, please disregard the alignment (lawful good).

Please feel free to post build suggestions for any alignment. Thanks. C'mon guys - can someone please help me with this? Well.. I've not played much with the PrC but I'd imagine a mystic theurge build would go well. Access to almost ever spell; with high caster level, should help some. There are a few of those builds (prolly using wiz) that you could try basing it on. Are you allowed to play a custom race in your mod?

If so, then a Yuan Ti Cleric 15, Hierophant 5, Sorc 20 with maxed cha, can achieve very impressive DCs on its spells due to the 5 improved spell power feats from Hierophant levels adding a possible 10 to the DCs, stacked with spell penetration feats and focused spell penetration for you school of choice and practiced spell caster (sorc), then you should be throwing some very hard to save against spells about. M1ke47 - thanks for the reply. I should have mentioned that the custom PrC races are disabled on my mod, so I am limited to the normal bioware races. What would you suggest in that case?

Edited By Dalinoth Aligansaar on 04/12/05 17:15

Well, in that case replace Yuan Ti with human, keep the feats more or less the same, and start with Cha 17 or 18, wisdom, 16 (will need a stat increase point here to get the ability to cast lv 7 divine spells in order to take Hierophant). Since its a PRC mod then id go with a reasonable int (possibly 14, might need to drop cha to 16 at start to do this) in order to get a reasonable chance of epic spells.

Hope that helps.
Quote: Posted 04/12/05 12:30:42 (GMT) -- Khandahr

Well.. I've not played much with the PrC but I'd imagine a mystic theurge build would go well. Access to almost ever spell; with high caster level, should help some. There are a few of those builds (prolly using wiz) that you could try basing it on.
The vast majority of those spellcaster prestige classes, like mystic theurge, eldritch knight, etc., are actually much more useful for a wizard than a sorcerer, because you don't learn any spells from taking them. You'd still need 18 levels of sorcerer to get 9th level spells, whereas a Wizard(5)/Cleric(5)/Mystic Theurge(12) would have 9th level arcane and divine spells. If you want a good arcane spellcasting PrC that you can take early on and be effective, you almost have to go wizard. But Mike's Cleric/Hierophant/Sorcerer build is an interesting one as well, and is supposedly pretty powerful (although the loss of those Yuan-Ti stat boosts is a huuuuuge loss).


Edited By Stravinsky00 on 04/12/05 19:53

Thanks. Being mostly ignorant about PrC, however, I fail to understand how a build of a 20th level sorc/15th level cleric is all that powerful. Can one of you please explain the details of this build? Well, I'll post a full build in the PRC epic builds forum at some point, but basicly this all hinges on the Hierophant prestice class.

You can only take up to a maximum of 5 Hierophant levels.

The Hierophant class is accessable to a divine caster able to cast level 7 divine spells (hence cleric 15 and wisdom of at least 17)

The Hierophant class has access to a rather nice sellection of class bonus feats on evey hierophant level. These include a feat called improved spell power, this feat can be taken 5 times, going up to improved spell power 5. The improved spell power feat adds 2 to the DC on the spell cast and 2 to the spell penetration of the spell cast for each rank of improved spell power.

So basicly, given that a lv 20 sorc with cha 26 casts finger of death with a DC that is the same as a lv 40 sorc with cha 26, there is no loss (in this case) of loosing those 20 sorc levels. With the addition of those 5 improved spell power feats the DC on that finger of death spell increases by 10, it even makes up for half of the lost spell penetration alone from dropping 20 sorc levels, another 4 levels of spell penetration can be made up for by taking the practiced spellcaster sorceror feat.

I hope this goes some way to explaining how this multiclass combination works.

Mike Are you sure those Hierophant bonuses would apply to your arcane spells? I would have thought they'd only apply to your divine spells, but I haven't actually tested the build.

Steve Well i just ran a quick test, with a sorc/cleric casting the spell "finger of death" on an ancient blue dragon. At level 28 the char had no hierophant levels and cast the spell with a DC of 27, at level 29 I added 1 hierophant level and took the feat spell power +2, the DC for the finger of death spell increased to 29. M1ke47 - any chance you could please post this build in the next day or so? Im playing on a new PW that uses PrC and I'd love to at least know the first few levels for the character. In addition, you only need to take 13 Cleric levels in order to be able to cast level 7 divine spells. So the optimum build would be:

sorceror 22/ 13 cleric/ 5 hierophant

Btw, if you take the practiced spell-caster feat for clerics, does that lower the levels of cleric you need to take even further? Ok I'll work on refining this a bit in the next couple of days, although I should speak with a friend of mine who originally came up with the concept before posting my take on this.

I think I may be able to push the DC on necromancy spells even higher by being a cleric of Shar and taking the shadow weave feat. This is off the top of my head though, so its by no means a certantity.


I'll try to post both the Yuan Ti and human versions.