This is a request for all u game geniuses I need a mage killer build please help.
Thank you for reading
Please dont let me down Obvious choice would be a sneaker. the tactic is to wander around and find a resting-near-by-mage IKD and WACK....

The next idea would definately be some sort Champion of torm with divine might and high divine wrath. This is physical dmg and acid sheath can go home on that part! It's a good meleer as well and it really depends on wether you want to go sneaky or straight ahead. Pure monk with the SR feats is pretty good at this; blend in some druid or pally for dispelling capabilities
Or a shifter focussed on Rak form. You could go with the old saying of "set a thief to catch a thief" and make a mage, IMO a mage is one of the best mage killers possible. A buddy of mine on the PW I play on uses a cleric/RDD build with elemental resist gear. He can man handle the mages pretty well.
Brandon If you have devcrit on your server, a nice STR based elf monk37/fighter2/bard1. Pump the STR and you can get devcrit rapier (free feat for elf) by level 30 w/o gimping the build and you can get a great SR of 60+, leaving you an odd 1 in 20 chance that a spell will affect you before a mords. Luckily, you have tons of skillpoints to sink into spellcraft at level 40, making your already very nice saving throws vs. magic 8 points higher, putting your base magic save before ability score adjustments at 30. That can be made better by good pre-epic feat choices like strong soul, luck of heroes and great fortitude/will/reflexes. The only thing to remember is to watch out for recipricol damage shields, making your attack style: hide, approach, attempt a devcrit, withdraw, lather wrinse repeat. This build will not work well against paladin/sorcerors who's saves will keep them alive more often than not. Palemasters and anything shifted/polymorphed into a construct or undead will fall more easily by your unarmed attack. IMO go for a Druid 28/monk 1/shifter 11 or druid 26/monk 3/shifter 11 to spread the omnk levels instead of one at the end

Pump all into wisdom go 12/8 druid/shifter pre epic, take alertness, maximise spell, extend spell, toughness, expertise, improved expertise (req a 13 int but i'd go 14-16 for skill points) Then go shifter 20-24 gettign epic wis until lvl 24 when you can get OUtsider shape. Then do the rest Druid and the last Monk

You could get a monik earlier on and take 10 pre epic druid take monk early, and then towards lvl 20, making sure to have 11 shifter levels byu lvl 24, and 25 wisdom

PUt points into Disc, hide, MS, and tumble as monk, Spellcraft and concentration as Druid. Take all buff spells and make sure to memorise 1 maximised Ice storm.

Put Maximised Ice storm in a quickslot i fint F8-F10 works best for me, but it doesn't matter. Then buf up and Shift the Rakshasa.

With +5 gear, improved expertise you can get ac in the 80-90's. Also Rakshasa gives you spell immunity 1-9, a nice bonus to hide and MS whch means you are one sneaky Rakshasa. Also with 28 Druid lvls you have the highest INFINITE maximised ice storms (26 is just a little less) in the game.

Epic feats take as many Epic Wisdom's as you can. you might wnat to take Armour skin for +2 ac, adn if your not to worried about ac, you can get dragon shape aroudn 30-34 depending on feat choice. Dragon Shape is nice but not neccesary as you pretty much PWN as a Rak.

Vs. Mages their spells are rendered useless, whislt you can rain down maximised ice storms on them, and if you want to smack em aroudn with your staff that has 1d10 fire on it. Also not much can wear off your buffs.

Vs. Fighters They'll ahve to get through your 90 some AC whilst beign smacked by ice storms.

Vs. Clerics, watch out for Harm cause you can't use the heal spell In shifted form, though Protec vs. Neg energy gets rid of that problem.

Also vs. Mellee type chars you can shift into Dragon (if you took it) and pretyt much kill them easily.
~I am the wisest man on earth because I know one thing, and that is I know nothing.~
-Cairne The problem with stalking a mage from the shadows is that most high lvl mages have true seeing.

IMO a hasted monk with high SR has a better chance of delivering the IKD blow that incapacitates the mage.

The best way to kill mages is to attack them when they are caught off guard or when they have cast all their best spells.

One tactic that I use sometimes is the combined archer/trapper attack. It can be used against true seeing.
You can attack a mage from afar, and break the line of sight immediately by hiding behind a corner or run out of range. Then he can't attack you with spells.
If he does nothing, you attack again as many times as you need to kill him.
In case he comes after you, you have prepared his path with a red carpet of high damage traps, or traps that stun or entangle.
Mages can clear the area of traps with the find traps spell, but they don't do that unless they expect the area to be trapped, and few mages have a high search skill.
I generally avoid temptation, unless I can't resist it... My personal idea for a mage killer was.. uhhh.. uhm.. uhhhh..

Monk 38 Rogue 1 Wizard 1

Str Based

Takes Dev crit as when you hit on a natural 20 (determined mage.. VERY high AC..) it has a chance of instant kill

Take SR up to around 60ish.. this should stop all but amazingly pure mages. Put points into UMD at level 39. 40 points in Spellcraft at level 38 to allow you to save vs spells better and then max out monk skills at 40

Quote: Posted 05/02/05 12:48:23 (GMT) -- Mick Dagger
Mages can clear the area of traps with the find traps spell, but they don't do that unless they expect the area to be trapped, and few mages have a high search skill.

That would work for sorcerers, but most wizards can see ground traps fairly easily due to high INT. I also generally give my wizards search and disable trap, since they have so many more skill points than useful skills, and just a few points in search and disable trap make them almost as good as rogues with ground traps at least. But even my mages without those skill (for example, when I'm playing multiplayer with a rogue) can still see those traps quite easily.


Edited By Stravinsky00 on 05/02/05 16:40