ok i play on antavia.. if any one knows this server.

rulles to the buuild:
1. Arcane spellcaster classes ( wiz/sorc/pm ) with less than 5 levels of rogue, bard, or monk and more than 20 points of tumble will receive a modification to tumble to limit their tumble to a maximum of 20.

2. All other classes with less than 5 levels of rogue or bard and more than 15 points of UMD will receive a modification to UMD to limit UMD to a maximum of 15.

3. If you have no levels of wizard, sorcerer, palemaster, or bard and have any of the following number of levels in the following classes you will receive a critical hit immunity property:

Fighter: 31
Barbarian: 31
Ranger: 31
Paladin: 35
Monk: 40
Blackguard: 22
Dwarven Defender: 22
Champion of Torm: 22
Weapon Master: 22

Note: 10+ level palemasters will still get the deathless mastery feat.

4. For post 40 attack bonuses and damage bonuses, the following forumla is used to determine your bonus. A melee class factor is calculated from the sum of your levels, with wizard, sorcerer, palemaster, and red dragon disciplecounting as 0, cleric, druid, shifter, rogue, monk, assassin, and shadowdancer counting as 1, all other classes counting as 2. This sum is then divided by 80, giving a melee factor.

The standard 1 ab/dmg point per 2 post 40 levels is adjusted by this melee factor, thus pure fighter types gain their post 40 melee bonus quickly, where pure arcane casters gain almost none.

thins build must have crit imune any way (palemaster or the mele clases)

must be cleric or pala i like buffs.

must be a legal char.

i wood realy like the help btw im thrying to gat this to work a pala 16 cot 22 and figter 2 How to do this in two easy steps:
1) Find another PW.
2) Have fun for a change with your builds

*No Mob Bosses or their Mobs where hurt in this production*. Jesus, Joseph and Mary! As if the game weren't complicated enough. Swords are of no use here. Fly! Fly you fools!
Got Hommlet? World of Greyhawk Action Server
(with 1/2 price ales on Mondays!)

Ariel, Ookla, RIDE! it is not to bad.

u just have to follow the rules the u will make a nice char by them.. and trust me i cant be so hard.. it is just that my char need a lot of lvls WM, CoT, BG, or DwD.

and then some Divine caster lvls..
hey im from denmark and i love it her

chek this out www.uhr.dk Dude, seriously. The only people that make worlds with that kind of restrictions are people that in real life, have absolutely NO lives! AND want to seem important, so they make everyone play by there rules (which sorta makes anyone who designs a pw that way LOL). NO one should have to do that kind of song and dance.

If you want to live in that world, what id suggest is 15 cleric/ 2 pal/ 22 cot. Id say defender, but the xp penalty would be ruthless on that server (or so it seems). Why this combo? divin castin and enough lvls to get +5 if you need it! immunity to fear and imm to crits! and feats.

BUT FIND ANOTHER SERVER! Noone here, at least none from what ive seen so far, would make such a restricted build. It cannot be considered epic cuz nowhere else would a lv 22 cot get imm to crit! So to repeat, FIND ANOTHER SERVER!

Peace ok.. but i like the server at all this is made to balace the world.... the thing is in this mod u can get to lvl 100 if u want to ues the time.. and for each lvl after 40 u get more ab and dam.

it is prity nice and the casters spells get more power full to.. this server is properbly the bigist nwn project i have seen 4 server runing 5 server runging the word. 5 difent parts.. on each server.

i think u need to try and play there.. it is one of the best server i have ever played on only the 1 LOC when it was whit SOU.. that was a nice sever then thay made so much when HOTU came and now it sux.

LOD odder good sever but a bit to much PK. but if u are the evil nothing harms you.. benn one of the most power full on that sever. whit a cleric 37, figter 2, monk2.

so if u have to say that i shood find a new PW then plz say the name.. coz i have tried meny more then that list. this are the ones ware i have played more that ½ year..

and i no my spelling is not great but what..
hey im from denmark and i love it her

chek this out www.uhr.dk Your spelling's fine mate; I battle in my own second language to write. We can understand ya and thats all that matters.

As to other worlds, well there are a lot of worlds where you can play a good game. Some of those worlds are even reviewed and suggested by bioware themselves. It all depends on what you want, RP or casual; or PvP.
Some of the more fun worlds I've played on in the last 18 months or so include:
Lost Souls 2 [casual; RP when not in party recommended]
Avlis [actually all the CoPaP worlds]
Turmish Lands : http://www.neverworkingnights.com/ [really fun world, very few odd restrictions]
Amon [my personal favourite, reviewed here: ]Click Here thanks i heard of that server (nothing good though )
sounds kinda stupid

i recommend Dor maeglin more people need to join this server as its a good one needs haks though which discourages newcomers, but its well worth it good dms with regular events and nice haks and scripts, check out the website www.dormaeglin.com (also can get web updater for haks here)