Quote: Posted 06/14/05 18:08:52 (GMT) -- darkfire_arrow01
This is a character which ive thought abit about but i dont have any knowledge of feats and level prgression as of yet as i know little of these things really
My first idea was Merlin Archmage of the Deathless Arts:
Elf (i know human would probably be better but im designing this to be a drow character)
Wizard: 10
Pale Master: 30
other stuff:
Epic warding
Auto quicken 1,2,3??? (dont know much about this
Focus in Necromancy
My second idea is just merlin (still drow):
Other stuff:
Epic warding
Epic mage armor
Auto quicken 1,2,3
Spell focus: Evocation or Illusion....
Any help welcomed