Edited By fernandooa on 08/19/05 13:00
Monks get Evasion at level 1.. Bards do not..I didn't remember that one. *blushes*Quote: Posted 08/19/05 13:25:24 (GMT) -- DaMouse404
Monks get Evasion at level 1.. Bards do not..
Quote: Posted 08/19/05 12:58:44 (GMT) -- fernandooa
The Monk's one has Tumble and Discipline (These are the ones I find interesting here).
Bard's skillset has Spellcraft, Tumble, Use Magical Device and Discipline (These are the ones I find interesting here), also gets 2 extra skillpoints comparing it with monk (I had to say it).
Quote: Wizard has spellcraft, so there is no need for it with bard, but it can help.
It is just matter of taste, if taking monk you will switch UMD (a very useful skill) for adding your wis modifier to your AC (it can be good in low magic worlds), cleave and improved unarmed fighting (As a mage you will be using a staff for it's magic properties, no need for brawling nor meleeing).
Except for the fact that you can add your wis modifier to your AC, monk doesn't add anything new over bard.
The Exalted sorceress uses monk because alignment, paladin must be Lawful good, and bard needs to be nonlawful (neutral or chaotic).
Quote: Posted 08/19/05 15:39:07 (GMT) -- Cinnabar DinQuote: Posted 08/19/05 12:58:44 (GMT) -- fernandooa
The Monk's one has Tumble and Discipline (These are the ones I find interesting here).
Bard's skillset has Spellcraft, Tumble, Use Magical Device and Discipline (These are the ones I find interesting here), also gets 2 extra skillpoints comparing it with monk (I had to say it).
Monks and Bards get the same number of skill points.
From the exalted sorceress description:Quote: Posted 08/19/05 12:58:44 (GMT) -- fernandooa
The Exalted sorceress uses monk because alignment, paladin must be Lawful good, and bard needs to be nonlawful (neutral or chaotic).
Edited By Kail Pendragon on 10/28/05 01:23
37 wiz/3 rogue/1 sd