I was curious to see what is more beneficial in the long run.

Going Monk / Fighter for Unarmed Spec, and Epic Spec (+6 damage)

or should I go RDD for +8 Str (+4 Damage)

Is overall Monk/Fighter a better combo then say Monk/Sorc/Rdd?

Just wondering what people think.

This came from the idea of making a Str based monk, with some Wis/Dex for a non-horrible AC RDD gets AC bonus' for its 10 levels plus you add on sorceror which means true strike.. add true strike onto disarm and you've got a discipline beating disarmer that can take down folks with 70 or 80 discipline and hold the weapon from them since the monk is unarmed. Fighters only benefit really is the +6 damage and 2 feats (after discarding 2 on WS and EWS) and the extra monk ones you get aren't really all that useful past armor skin IMHO. RDDs also get a set of immunities that are quite useful in the long run (fire immunity bypasses things like flame weapon and darkfire as well as the average dragon breathing on you). Also RDD gives bonus' to Cha, Int and Con (+2 each) to aid your overall character.

Quote: Posted 08/23/05 20:36:27 (GMT) -- DaMouse404

RDD gets AC bonus' for its 10 levels plus you add on sorceror which means true strike.. add true strike onto disarm and you've got a discipline beating disarmer that can take down folks with 70 or 80 discipline and hold the weapon from them since the monk is unarmed. Fighters only benefit really is the +6 damage and 2 feats (after discarding 2 on WS and EWS) and the extra monk ones you get aren't really all that useful past armor skin IMHO. RDDs also get a set of immunities that are quite useful in the long run (fire immunity bypasses things like flame weapon and darkfire as well as the average dragon breathing on you). Also RDD gives bonus' to Cha, Int and Con (+2 each) to aid your overall character.


To be fair, there are a few more points in favor of the fighter version. The highest BAB the monk/sorc/RDD can get at level 40 is 24. The monk/fighter can get enough BAB, and enough extra damage from WS/EWS to more than offset at least those benefits of the +8 to STR. The fighter version will also get an extra attack per round versus the RDD version. I'm not a big fan of true strike, as it's still only a few times a day that it can be used, and it lasts for such a short duration, but that's just personal preference.

Still, both ways have pluses and minuses...if this were a dual wielding kama build, I'd definitely go the fighter (probably fighter/WM) route. With unarmed...the feat requirements are much lower, since no ambi./TWF/ITWF and no going for weapon master. The extra attack would be nice, but a difference of 7 vs. 8 attacks (assuming flurry of blows and haste)...the extra attack is far more significant when it's 3 vs. 4 per round. The RDD immunities and other bonuses may be more worthwhile in the long run.

Steve Personally, I've got a bit of a thing for those Dragon Disciples, maybe it's the dragon in me...or having a nice cool looking toon complete with wings! So would definately go for the RDD option...and even though your AB might not be as high you can easily balance that against having a few useful buffing spells...also for a monk you can still get lots of attacks per round (even more with kamas) with a relatively low AB...

Also, if there is an easy way to change your alignment you could even consider a Bard/RDD/monk!
Grrr...hear my roar!!!