Quote: Posted 09/09/05 05:09:12 (GMT) -- InCruentus
ok how about a Zen archer str based with dev crit? or high base damage? i was thinking maybe monk/fighter/wm? or how about monk/fighter/rouge?
Quote: Posted 09/10/05 02:26:19 (GMT) -- Deltutammatre
Perhaps leveling an half elven monk to 9 with balanced stats, taking a level of bard then 10 arcane archer levels, then 10 RDD levels, then 9 more AA and finish with one level of bard. This should leave you with around a 34 strength and an unusually high AB from the arcane archer levels. Play your cards right and you can speed around the battlefield just out of range of your target, peppering him with low-threat range criticals with a very high DC. You are bound to get lucky with rapid shot.
Quote: Posted 09/10/05 07:07:21 (GMT) -- sirjenixofbjQuote: Posted 09/10/05 02:26:19 (GMT) -- Deltutammatre
Perhaps leveling an half elven monk to 9 with balanced stats, taking a level of bard then 10 arcane archer levels, then 10 RDD levels, then 9 more AA and finish with one level of bard. This should leave you with around a 34 strength and an unusually high AB from the arcane archer levels. Play your cards right and you can speed around the battlefield just out of range of your target, peppering him with low-threat range criticals with a very high DC. You are bound to get lucky with rapid shot.
The only problem with this is that you listed four character classes here,
Quote: Posted 09/10/05 14:17:54 (GMT) -- InCruentus
Ok, So like to start for the stats
maybe 5 monks levels then 10 bard rest AA?