I am set to create a character that will become the high priest of a guild for a LE goddess. I need help in maximizing this build.

Couple preqs:

1. Must have War and Destruction Domains.
2. Must secure the Planar Turning feat (earlier the better in the build, requires 25 wis and 25 cha).

I read that if a cleric can turn outsiders, the planar turning feat reduces their spell resistance by half thereby making it easier to turn. Has anyone ever tried this and what are the affects? Our PW has significant presence of constructs, outsiders, and elementals, so this would be nice if it worked as I believe it does.

Thanks in advance.
Member of SoulForge PW (Action) i would suggest using CoT in epic and use the bonus feats for great wisdom, thus allowing you to use natural increases for charisma. this should get you to 25 wis and cha the quickest, although i still think it would be far too late in the build for waht you want.
just as a recommendation, grab a level or two of paladin for dumps into taunt and to get save boni from all that cha.

is this a straight level 40 build or a 1-40 playable?

-c He did say a LE goddess. Sounds like more of an RP guild. That alone negates CoT and Paladin, unless you go for the cheese alignement change. May have failed to mention, on our PW, spells have been uncapped for pure casters. Ergo, why no other classes for this fellow. Otherwise, a Cleric/Blackguard would be a good option.
Member of SoulForge PW (Action)
Quote: Posted 12/19/05 19:01:51 (GMT) -- Bromium

He did say a LE goddess. Sounds like more of an RP guild. That alone negates CoT and Paladin, unless you go for the cheese alignement change.

*grumbles under breath*

well, it was just an idea...he could have become less evil in epic...

-c If you're talking pure Cleric, here's the deal:

Best you can start with is 18 in WIS and 16 in CHA (or vise versa or 17 in each), but this severely gimps your stats, leaving only 4 points to distribute among STR, DEX, INT, and CON. I recommend starting with 16 in each.

Starting with 16 in both attributes, you need to raise both by 9 to get access to Planar Turning (why in the name of the planes do you have to pick up this feat anyway?). That's 18 ability boosts.

In epic, the quickest you can do it is (assume you put 3 boosts in WIS and 2 in CHA pre-epic):

21)CLC 21: GRT CHA 1 (19)
23)CLC23: GRT WIS I (20)
24)CLC24: GRT CHA II (20)/ CHA (21)
26)CLC26: GRT WIS II (21)
27)CLC27: GRT CHA III (22)
28)CLC28: CHA (23)
29)CLC29: GRT WIS III (22)
30)CLC30: GRT CHA IV (24)
32)CLC32: GRT WIS IV (23)/ WIS (24)
33)CLC33: GRT CHA V (25)
35)CLC35: GRT WIS V (25)
36)CLC36: Planar Turning

Level 36 is the soonest, as far as I can see. That leaves you 1 CLC epic bonus feat (level 39) and a general feat at level 39 as well for anything else you might want on the epic feats list. Not pretty, IMO. You also get 2 more ability boosts (levels 36 and 40), which I'd assume you'd use to even up both CHA and WIS.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers marched cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream... Din, thanks. I did exactly that on this build for planar turning at 36.

Reason for taking is the little known fact that planar turning feat combined with destruction domain halfs the SR of constructs maing them more vulnerable to the domain's weakening ability. On my PW there are many constructs in epic areas with one dungeon nothing but constructs. Was wanting to see how this really worked.
Member of SoulForge PW (Action)
Quote: Posted 12/21/05 05:40:18 (GMT) -- TeoDeathDealer

Din, thanks. I did exactly that on this build for planar turning at 36.

Reason for taking is the little known fact that planar turning feat combined with destruction domain halfs the SR of constructs maing them more vulnerable to the domain's weakening ability. On my PW there are many constructs in epic areas with one dungeon nothing but constructs. Was wanting to see how this really worked.

Cool. I probably shouldn't have even said anything, but I remember a thread about a year ago about Planar Turning being among the most useless feats going (mostly due to the cost). However, if it's useful on your PW, then that's pretty darned cool. Good luck with the build.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers marched cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream...