Hey guys...

I play in an Action server, and i hate when people Pockpocket me...


I need a dragonbuild to slay those little buggers.. So if anyone got some uber dragon build laying around where you get dragon form fairly soon, it would be very much apreaciated..

- Cardi Try this one: Click Here
You can also check the Epic Builders Guide index - there are quite a few there. I gave the link to that one because it gets Dragon Shape relatively early, several of the builds don't get it till level 39.

TM Try this here

or otherwise, if you wanna get DS asap, start with 18 WIS go druid straight till lvl 20 then

20 Druid 20:WIS (WIS 23)
21 CoT 1:Great WIS I (WIS 24)
22 Cot 2: Great WIS II (WIs 25)
23 CoT 3:
24 CoT 4: Great WIS III,IV, WIS (WIS 28)
25 Druid 21:
26 Druid 22:
27 Druid 23: Great WIS V (WIS 29)
28 Druid 24: WIS (WIS 30), Dragon Shape

I would then add at least 1 monk lvl to make the DS really shine.

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