I'm thinking to make the real smiting king, CHA based with max (or near max) great smiting, with a Paladin/Blackguard/Something combination, so that it would smite both good and evil with great power.

Checking with the searcher, there are 3 paladin/blackguard/CoT, since the saves are not the main issue (and they will be good anyway), I was thinking either Fighter or Weapon Master, WM for AB, since CHA based won't get much bonus on AB, but the feats needed might be too much for this build, while fighter levels would give nice extra feats and EWS. Of course, CoT gives a great divine wrath...... although only once per day. The other possibility here is a Dwarven Defender, although without EDR.......

I think at least Paladin 15 to max buffs, while Blackguard only needs 2 levels... the rest with the third class or some more paladin for epic bonus feats.

Into the feats, great smiting has to be taken with Paladin or Blackguard levels? since it would be of great importance.

Since I always test my builds directly on the game, there's the alignment change to sort out.... I've been told that there are modules that allow an easy change, however, I don't know which module or where to get it. A console command for it would help too, since I'm sure there has to be one, but I don't know it.

Thanks in advance Try Paladin/Blackguard/Harper Scout Either Epic Blackguard or Epic Paladin; Paladin gets one more feat (levels 32/3/5) while Blackguard get Sneak Attack (levels 16/19/5). I ended with

14 Strength
08 Dexterity
12 Constitution
14 Intelligence
14 Wisdom
34 Charisma

when testing. Another version I made with 30 CHA and took 4 Great Smiting feats. 'Twas decent, IMO. He had 36 AB and 30 AC unbuffed.
"Ever notice how wizards think all life in the Realms dances on their hands and lasts from day to day only because they work constantly to keep us all alive? How do they think we survive when they're in the bathroom?"

~ Volo 2 BG levels for saves is okay, but don't expect smite good to be useful. The advantage of Cot over fighter is that it adds to smite evil damage, and the feats can be used for Great Smiting.

Here's a build I made for Smite Good/Smite Evil. In the right environment he can be quite nasty.
Enforcer of Balance
I see the fear you have inside, you can run but never hide.
I will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb.

I run the Pre-Epic Builders guild. Join and share your experience. I did saw your build when I was looking in the searcher Grim, it's cool, something imilar, but without the CoT for a change, there are only 4 uilds using Paladin/Blackguard, 3 of them use CoT and 1 uses SD.

Hmmm, Harper Scout eh? two extra feats for CHA, and an excellent CHA buffer by the way, it sounds pretty good Finn, thanks.

Why would it not be useful smite good? it would be proportionally as good as smite evil isn't it? maybe even more unexpected..... (except in PvM... since most enmies are evil.. ok, you got point) however, I know very well how easily it can be avoided but what could I do about it? it's more versatile to smite both good and evil rather than just evil.
Quote: Posted 03/29/06 16:29:40 (GMT) -- Thaxll'ssyllia

Why would it not be useful smite good? it would be proportionally as good as smite evil isn't it? maybe even more unexpected..... (except in PvM... since most enmies are evil.. ok, you got point)

But smite damage is dependant upon your class level. Smite good damage=(PAL+CoT)x(Great Smiting+1).
Smite Evil=BGx(Great Smite+1), in your case I assume Great smiting 10, BG2x11=22 smite damage.

I said that with 2 BG levels smite good won't be to useful, although it would be a nice way to assure that at least some of your sneak attacks hit.
I see the fear you have inside, you can run but never hide.
I will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb.

I run the Pre-Epic Builders guild. Join and share your experience. Now I understand you..... and needless to say, I hate that happening.

Well, since HS can only get 5 levels, I could balance smite good/evil damages somewhat.....

Now it won't fit to be called Smiting King........
Quote: Posted 03/29/06 16:39:15 (GMT) -- Grimnir77

But smite damage is dependant upon your class level. Smite good damage=(PAL+CoT)x(Great Smiting+1).
Smite Evil=BGx(Great Smite+1), in your case I assume Great smiting 10, BG2x11=22 smite damage.

Except i switched the smites. Pallys smite Evil and blackies Smite good.
I see the fear you have inside, you can run but never hide.
I will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb.

I run the Pre-Epic Builders guild. Join and share your experience. LOL, no problem with that, I didn't even noticed.