Recently I started testing out a monk pm build 21Monk/16pm/3/wizard *dexterity*. First I attempted this on the server Legends of Chance, and I ended up with ac in the low 80s, though I talked to someone who also said he used a 21monk/16pm/3wiz and had 97 ac, and So I attempted to think of how i could improve the build, but I couldn't manage solution. I used this build Click Here as a template, but I did modify many things. So I ask you epic character builders to help me get the most possible AC with a monk/pm/wiz build with atleast 16 monk at the begining ( for ab)

thanks alot tah tah

Edited By mrhanky1234 on 04/06/06 19:37

As far as the build is concerned, the only things I can see would be to drop Epic Mage Armor (assuming you can get +5 from items), and drop Epic Energy resistance for 2 more Dex. That will gain you 1 more AC. The rest of the difference between your AC and the other guy's is probably due to the items available on the servers, not the build.

TM He may have added +10 AC through Improved Expertise as well.
Where I'm playing now: World of Greyhawk. He said he had 107 ac with improved expertise, and the items, well i did have some rather good equipment and i don't know if he could get ten more then I already had with just items. But you never know I 'spose.
thanks for the replies btw : ) Out of curiosity: is extremely high AC needed on this server?
Where I'm playing now: World of Greyhawk. Hmmm... Well I'd say that, for the most part, people on this server usually make builds with extremely high hp instead of ac since the monsters have alot more ab then most servers, but i decided i'd try using a build that focuses mostly on ac. Can't really say for sure how to boost your AC without knowing the items available to you on the server. If you're going for all out AC though I'd definately keep EMA. Since you can stack dodge AC bonus up to +20 you can stack dodge boots and EMA to get at least +5 AC. If the majority of gear available is +5ish you may also be able to bring up your AC by leaving AC bonus items alone and getting stuff to boost your WIS and DEX. Just had a quick look at the website for that PW...the custom item guide says +7 AC items max and +12 stat items max so I'm guessing both should be doable...soooo based on that build you referenced:

46 Naked
+28 (+7 AC x 4)
+12 (+12 DEX and WIS)
+5 (EMA Dodge bonus)
+1 (Mage Armor)
+4 (Haste)

You could start with higher DEX than the build linked to get the 1 more AC. Thanks that really helped alooot.

Happy Buildin'