I'm wanting to make an odd build with the highest resistance possible, it obviously sacrifices damage and all, but as party based it could still work pretty well as a human shield, not aiming for playability nor even the fact that he won't kill anything, you could say it's for RP reasons.
In terms of defense, I would consider AC, DR, SR and HP as the main factors, so I focus on SR and go from there to increase AC as much as possible, this is what I've made (I'm not verifying numbers, this is what I remember):
Monk 38 / Fighter 1 / Dwarven Defender 1
Monk 38 gives +1 AC (and the SR), that's why I didn't take another Fighter level, the Fighter level was to take Armor Skin, Dwarven Defender is for Defensive Awareness I, so DEX is covered.
*Feats where I don't really know what to put, I'm only interested in defense.
Skills Discipline 43 Tumble 40 Concentration 43 Listen 43 39 more points... if my count is correct
SR 68 AC 37 AB +38 HP 486
My first problem is that I think I'm taking too much SR, how much is enough so that spells don't hit me? Second, the AC is good, but I would want it to be higher.... damage and AB are crap, but as I said, it's supposed to work like a shield.
He can use a shield, however, with WIS unbuffed you need a Tower Shield +6 or you'll actually be losing AC, Tower Shield +7 starts giving AC.
Equipment, completely DEX and AC based, even on the weapon,no matter if it's not a kama, a weapon with skill focus, haste or some resistance would be better than a strong one, bracers of armor or DEX instead of monk bracers, monk boots come in handy.
He's very resistant, great SR, good AC, plus, use Empty body for 50% concealment (can anybody tell me how long does it lasts?), he has a good HP for a dexer, he runs like hell, so you could say there's no way to kill him.
The build is not really complete as there's the factors like how much SR is needed and how to increase AC further, besides, he still needs a story......
I'd take WF: Longbow and Luck of Heroes perhaps and drop the Energy Resistances. Might consider SF: Discipline for PvP environments.
You have 1 point extra SR, as 67 is definitely enough. As I suggested, take WF in pre-epic and drop one Monk level in epic for another FTR level and pick EWF -- voilà! 41 AB! Not bad at all. Ranged support is what I'd opt for.
IIRC, Empty Body lasts 1 round/Monk level.
Results from pulse cap's build searcher: Spell Soaker /Monk 40 by Cruel_Intent Monk 37/Fighter 2/Bard 1 by Deltutammatre Flurry of Fist and Feat /Monk 40 by dmuzzy Mage Bane (Bard 1/Monk 38/SD 1) by Mithdradates The Great Green Hope /Monk 40 by ShayneP Ultimate Monk /Monk 40 by Torias Barbarian 2/Monk 38 by Toturi Sezaru _________________ "And one calculates time from the dies nefastus on which this fatality arose – from the first day of Christianity! – Why not rather from its last? – From today? – Revaluation of all values!"
Edited By FinneousPJ on 04/20/06 17:15
Note that monk bonus feats and AC come on multiples of 5, so you could drop 1 monk level for Fighter to pick up a feat and still have 67 SR. Or you could drop DwD for 2 levels of SD to pick up Uncany Dodge and HiPS (if you would like to use stealth as part of your defensive abilities).
Edited By Tattoed Monk on 04/20/06 17:30
I've seen the other SR builds, they seem to base on beating casters while I'm basing on pure defense against everything, other SR builds lack the "Uncanny DEX" or in this case, Defensive Awareness for AC boost, I couldn't get to Defensive Awareness II though, for the non-flank stuff, since that needs 5 levels leaving SR in 65.
Longbows are for speed runners, as a shield build I'm supposed to be at the front. This build is 100% party based, get ranged and casters behind me, as I can take all the damage, but can't deal it, at least in PvM enemies won't be as smart as to avoid useless attack on me and attack my comrades. PvP wouldn't work at all.
Well, practically any AB will be bad considering I'll use Improved Expertise. I really don't care much about AB and damage, I told you it is an odd build, for fun rather than playability.
SF Discipline might be a good idea.
After AC and SR, what good is on saves? I think Luck of Heroes is wasted.
EDIT: TM I was posting when you replied, so couldn't see it.
Weird, I made the build and I am positive AC increased at Monk level 38...... need to re-check.
No Hide at all, I want to defend comrades, not so much myself, that's why I took Dwarven Defender.
Still, what feat to take with Fighter level 2, Epic Toughness?
EDIT 2: AC counted, 7 bonus, you're right TM, multiples of 5, so, changing for Monk 37 / Fighter 2 / Dwarven Defender 1
Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 04/20/06 17:39
You will never have enough defense against "everything", the attempt is doomed to fail. Instead, focus on one aspect and you may succeed.
That said, I don't see how dropping from Monk 38 to 37 lowers AC? I thought the Monk gains AC every five levels, ie. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. _________________ "And one calculates time from the dies nefastus on which this fatality arose – from the first day of Christianity! – Why not rather from its last? – From today? – Revaluation of all values!"
Quote: You will never have enough defense against "everything", the attempt is doomed to fail. Instead, focus on one aspect and you may succeed.
Not perfect, I know, I'll need to heal, then it might work, at least efficiently enough, must get Heal skill and lots of Healer's Kits. AC won't get to "supreme" amounts unless magical items are way too high, I trust my AC/Concealment/SR/HP combination to work good though.
Quote: That said, I don't see how dropping from Monk 38 to 37 lowers AC? I thought the Monk gains AC every five levels, ie. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
My mistake, yeah.
Thanks, I knew there were some mistakes around which I wanted to know before posting the build.
One other suggestion: You are completely protected against magic, but still rather vulnerable to physical attack. Getting Epic Dodge would help a lot with that. You might want to consider dropping both Fighter and DwD for SD, and taking 5 levels.
This will lower your SR to 65, so a pure level 40 sorc or wiz with Epic Spell Pen will have a 10% chance of affecting you (but a level 38 one or level 40 with only Greater Spell Pen will not, so most won't be able to). But you will gain Epic Dodge, which will help a lot against physical attacks. You could also change race to Halfling, to pick up 2 more Dex and small stature, making your AC 2 higher (you don't care about unarmed damage anyway....). And HiPS would be very useful for when you want to heal - use HiPS, step back, and chug a heal potion or use a kit without taking AoO's. Then drop out of stealth mode and start taking attacks again.
Yeah, Epic Dodge wouldn't hurt. I'm not sure about the HiPSing tactic, however, because if he's supposed to tank for his buddies, HiPSing away from combat all of the sudden allows them baddies to reach the mages and whatnot you're supposed to be tanking for, _________________ "And one calculates time from the dies nefastus on which this fatality arose – from the first day of Christianity! – Why not rather from its last? – From today? – Revaluation of all values!"
Edited By FinneousPJ on 04/20/06 18:29
Well, if he doesn't HiPS and dies, he won't be a very effective tank either...
Using HiPS for 1 round to chug a potion of Heal, then attacking to get their attention again should be a better defense than laying on the ground dead.
Empty body lasts 1 round for each level of monk, in your case 38 rounds.
When I make something special for builds I usually concentrate on getting as offensive as possible within the confines given me, so I am perhaps not the best to ask in this case. just felt like answering your question in the OP. I must also say that I can never, ever play a character like this. i would make a brutal killer, which would lay waste to my enemies so they can't hurt my frail buddies. when no enemy is left alive, they can't hurt you.
I think your AC should serve you just fine, but ED would give you the extra durability you need to stay alive, and getting bored to utter death instead, while your buddys have fun. _________________ I see the fear you have inside, you can run but never hide. I will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb.
I run the Pre-Epic Builders guild. Join and share your experience.
Quote: HiPSing away from combat all of the sudden allows them baddies to reach the mages and whatnot you're supposed to be tanking for,
My thought exactly.
Quote: When I make something special for builds I usually concentrate on getting as offensive as possible within the confines given me, so I am perhaps not the best to ask in this case. just felt like answering your question in the OP. I must also say that I can never, ever play a character like this. i would make a brutal killer, which would lay waste to my enemies so they can't hurt my frail buddies. when no enemy is left alive, they can't hurt you.
LOL, let's change it a bit.....
Epic Dodge huh? that's a very good option, however, you're counting off space, I use all my epic feats on ISR, you can't get it 65 with Epic Dodge, I'll need to make space and will lose Armor Skin, one Fighter level could work that again..........
This is a PvM build, right? How much sr would you need? You think you would need as much as 66? _________________ I see the fear you have inside, you can run but never hide. I will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb.
I run the Pre-Epic Builders guild. Join and share your experience.
I know...... I just wanted him o be all Immortal style, even if it deals crap......... well, I guess Epic Dodge will get me closer to that than a perfect SR.