'Ello, I'm looking for a good Sorc./BG/Monk as the title states. You might ask why not go for Pally instead; well, this is a RP build, and he has to be evil. So, rather then wasting the feats for cleave and taking rogue for tumble, I thought monk would be alot more fitting, and I also stole this idea from a friend, Angel, whose build was very good. It was something like 36/2/2. I was more leaning towards only 35 sorc. lvls, as I believe you get the last bonus feat at 35 and not 36, though I could be wrong.

So, help would be appreciated, as I always seem to mess up the leveling order. Though, due to the server I play on having edited spells, I am looking to go for Epic Necro focus, and not Evo. Also, there is no need for Spell Penetration feats. And, he will have to have Auto-Still 3, for some odd reason, as I always like that on my casters

Help would be appreciated, thanks,