Guys I am looking for your meanest wm scyther build.
Stuff i need is high damage output and some decent ac to back me up im thinking def wm rogue for sneaks and umd which is a must,
Not sure if to go fighter or bard so please help me out with ur builds.
Also where i play there is no alingment restrictions so can cross class and its uber pvp.
Thanks very much
Love you all you rock for your builds
You never know maybe one day i might be nice and kill you! Blade of the Reaper

Adaptable Weapon Master

This could go Scythe if you moved things around a bit

A few to start with, from a quick search
"never kiss a girl whose brothers have knife scars."
"never gamble without knowing a back way out."

-Robert Jordan I would go Druid Shifter Assasin and take Undead Form.

You'll be able to use a Scythe, pick pockets, become invisible (+improved). You'd be IMMUNE TO PICKPOCKET, sneak, crit, mind spells, poison... Slash/pierce 50% Damage Immunity.

You can still boost your dex up since Risen Lord does not overide it. Might even get Epic Dodge as a Risen Lord.

As part Druid you also get the camo spell for extra hide/ms.

Free 21 base str and 19 con.

5/10/25 means lots of Death Attack damage.

Since you are a PP at heart, it is nice that a shifted form is immune to being picked. A good IKD will help you deal your sneak damage as well.

(fyi: I'm partial to Shifters) Tx for the shifter idea but the only probd i have with that build is if a cleric comes along which is quite common where i play and also im interested in some extremly High ab if it wasnt for them pesky clerics i would of given this a go the other thing i find with assasin is the death dc attack doesnt work to great although would go really nice an undead scyther with death attack