Id like to try that PRC, always liked powerful spell casters and this one might be fun However I can't decide wich school of spells to get rid off (2 ) and can't decide wich spell school to focus on for 2 reasons:
1) Focusing on Illusions (Weird) or Necro (Wail of the Banshee) looked like a good choice but I could achieve almost the same reasults with a Shadow Adept, gaining the bonuses for both school of magic without loosing my access to other schools
2) Focusing on transmutation (Disentegrate/Flesh to Stone) seems to be a better choice but how can you make sure that the disentegrate spell will land since you need a ranged attack?
Any help with that kind of build would be really appreciated _________________ K.M. aka Chillychill
"Y'a pire que ne pas pouvoir, y'a savoir qu'on peut et ne jamais tenter"
I'm not to sure how many, other than I, still play PRC. I havent played casters much, but I have seen the red in action. Most take Necro iirc. There is something sooo wrong about the bonus' the red gets with death magic!