I need a little help guys. I am pretty horrible at build making, and I know that if anyone can fix this for me, you can .

I play on a very low-magic server. I was told that +1 items will be really rare, and extra properties like "Keen" almost non-existant. Why play on something so low-powered you ask? Becuase I have played with the same group of RPers for a long time. We're just now moving from UO to NwN, the module is set to open on the 16th, so that gives me a week to work on my build.

Given that extremely low-magic setting, I've decided a Monk class would be pretty good for me. It's an RP server, and I have always been a fan of Kung Fu movies. My biggest threat in the way of PvP would be HIPS rogues, since HIPS is allowed on the server.

I found a PRC Prestige Class that gives Immunity to Sneak Attacks as well as a few other things, the icing on that cake is it stacks with Monk levels for damage. So I have two of my classes: Monk and Henshin Mystic.

Now I just need a third class. Hopefully one with good attack bonus OR special abilities that will put me ahead of the game, so to speak.

Also, I'm still debating on being strength or dex based, and using Kamas or Fists... thoughts on that would be very helpful .

Think you guys can help me? Are Shifters un-modified? If they are not changed, then become a Shifter and you will dominate the server.

Dr/Shifter/Monk would net you so many benefits on a LOW magic server that you'd be overpowered in hand to hand combat compared to your counterparts.

Many shapes have natural DR, not to mention the built in +3 or +5 weapons! Well, the only problem with that is I would be expected to RP my classes... And I could care less about the forest If it weren't for that, I would definatly set myself up like that.

So I'm trying to work more with Monk Prestige classes, like the Initiate of Draconic Mysteries, but I heard it's buggy.. One other class I was looking at was the Soulknife, but being a PRC class I couldn't find any builds for it. Are there any good ones? You could probably get better responses at the PRC forums. Unfortunately I can't link you since I have no idea but I'm sure you can find your way there by yourself
"With Europe liberated, the people of the world turned their attention to that old devil, the United States of America [...] We taught that monster of old the true meaning of freedom."
Star Wreck