I'd like to make a Belmont character for a Castlevania server, and I need a good build that uses a whip and can take out undead easily, specifically ones that can't be killed by Heal.

I suck at builds enough that my suckiness could suck a golf ball through a garden hose, so detail is appreciated.

P.S.: Must be human

Edited By To Nowhere on 04/11/07 04:56

Well, I'd say Paladin. You whip vs undead will do about nada as will soak it, no doubt. It lets you add Divine damage, magic damage, and you can bless your weapon for more action. In a pinch you can even turn undead. If you want DEX based, I'd try something like 26 Paladin, 4 Fighter, 10 Shadowdancer.

20 Paladin ---- > 4 Fighter ---- > Then split between Shadowdancer and Paladin, ending with 10th SD at 37-39. At 4th Fighter, you should take Weapon Specialization as your normal feat, and Epic Weapon Specialization as your Fighter Bonus feat. You might take 1 Fighter pre-epic to grab an extra feat there, since 23rd and 26th Paladin will get you EP and Armor Skin, and 2nd Fighter will get you EWF. At 39th level take Epic Dodge.

You should end with mediocre unbuffed AB, and in the upper 50s, low 60s buffed. AC will be 65ish with +5 gear and maxed DEX bonus, and higher if you go for Divine Shield (which means you will have to start with 13-14 base STR, cutting into your CHA and DEX scores - I would recommend passing on Divine Shield/Might). The world is extremely high magic. You can make your own +20 AC armor and shield. No stat bonuses though. Oh, and gotta love onhit sound burst. >_>
Quote: Posted 04/12/07 01:25 (GMT) -- To Nowhere

The world is extremely high magic. You can make your own +20 AC armor and shield. No stat bonuses though. Oh, and gotta love onhit sound burst. >_>

I don't think your build matters overmuch, then.
" -- They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more."

- Pozzo in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett How about a build that gets Epic Dodge as early as possible? If you want epic dodge, and high damage the best way to go is a rogue/SD type of build, however sneak attack is worth zilch against undead, so you'd have to combine rogue or SD with paladin, blackguard or cleric for the divine might feat (remember you need Power Attack to take those feats, and that limits your STR to a minimum of 13).

I personally like a fighter/rogue/blackguard or bard/rogue/blackguard, but I'll leave it up to you.

Oh and for Epic Dodge you don't need more than 1 rank in the skills it mentions, furthermore "Dodge" is not a required feat even though it's listed as required.
Quote: Posted 04/13/07 02:38 (GMT) -- To Nowhere

How about a build that gets Epic Dodge as early as possible?

You can easily take Epic Dodge at level 21 if you start with 20 DEX, add DEX each time, and take 12+ Rogue levels pre-epic.

If you intend to make an undead killer then make a Ranger with Favored Enemy: Undead and Bane of Enemies, that should work for style and power, only Rangers can specialize against a certain type of enemy, thus, you get an undead/vampire killer.

Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 04/14/07 23:39

I like the idea of using Ranger as well for the build. I then immediately thought of Paladin. Did a quick search of builds and saw this one by Mithdradates Click Here It is a few years old now and I havent completely looked it over...but thought it might give you some ideas for your build. It is STR based though.