Quote: 7.1. Prestige classes are capped at level 20 as they should be. Though a player may have over 20 levels of prestige classes between 2 different prestige classes.
7.7. Shadowdancers now use the Improved Stealth Mode item to emulate Hide In Plain Sight. Hide In Plain Sight works as long as the shadowdancer is within 10 feet of a shadow. A shadowdancers chance of hiding is highly dependent upon the environment. For example, night is an excellent time for hiding. Hiding during the day in broad daylight may not be as successful. This also assumes that the shadowdancer is able to hide and move (silently) better then the pursuer can spot and listen.
7.8. Assassins can now use the Improved Stealth Mode item to emulate Hide In Plain Sight at level 8. (See the above section for Shadowdancers for more details)
8.1. All Devastating Critical feats, Improved Spell Resistance feats, Epic Damage Reduction 6/- and 9/-, Self Concealment 40+ feats, Improved Sneak Attack 6+ feat, Great Smiting 6+ feat have been removed due to some extreme values.
8.2. The Tumble skill rank is now capped at 40. Also, Amulet AC (natural AC subtype) and Tumble AC (dodge AC subtype) have been combined into a single AC type therefore they are not allowed to stack. This has been done to keep the AB to AC ratio within range of each other. Also you should not get +1 AC per 5 tumble ranks per D&D 3.5. This was an incorrect implementation of Tumble by Bioware. The maximum combined Tumble AC and Amulet AC may not exceed the [player’s level/5 + 1] max +8. A script will automatically regulate this feature.
[**In my experience you DO get the 1/5 AC/Tumble bonus**]
8.8. Skill checks are now made at every level-up to stop the skill point carry over exploit. The maximum base skills, minus items and feats, a player can have at any given level is 3 + class 1 levels (divide by 2 if cross-class skill) + class 2 levels (divide by 2 if cross-class skill) + class 3 levels (divide by 2 if cross-class skill) + the ability modifier for that skill. For example, a level 20 fighter can have 23 (not including strength modifier) discipline skill points because discipline is a class skill for fighters. Now if a level 20 fighter is trying to max his hide skills, the maximum he could have is 13 (not including his dexterity modifier) since the hide skill is a cross-class skill for a fighter (basically half of a class skill).
8.11. Classes who specialize in hiding will be glad to know that the new True Seeing SPELL can only see invisible creatures (not hidden creatures in stealth mode), see through darkness, and increases will saves. True Seeing as a NATURAL ability can still see everything (will be fixed/disabled in the future). This change makes hide in plain sight and stealth more valuable.
19.1. The Search skill is used as a percentage to determine a player’s chance of finding an extra item or extra gold within a container. The percentage is equal to the player’s Search rank/2 + 1d20. Detect mode does not need to be activated.
20.2. Banned Properties
20.2.1. Massive Criticals are not found in D&D. They should be massive criticals with certain element types.
20.2.2. Dodge AC cannot be found on any item per D&D rules. Therefore boots no longer provide AC.
20.2.3. Immunities cause some of the biggest harm to certain classes. Rings with save properties that can stack have replaced immunities.
20.2.4. Vorpal, wounding, and any instant death on-hit effects.
20.2.5. Haste (use spell instead)
20.3. Maximum Item Properties Per Item
20.3.1. Bane Enhancement, Bane Attack Bonus, and Ability Bonus are +10.
20.3.2. Enhancement, Attack Bonus, AC, Mighty, and Saves are +8.
20.3.3. Damage Reduction is 10/+8.
20.3.4. Element Damage Resistance is 40/-.
20.3.5. Melee Damage Resistance is 10/-.
20.3.6. Spell Resistance is 28.
20.3.7. Damage Bonus is 2d8.
20.3.8. On-hit DC is 24.
20.4. New Item Properties
20.4.1. Bane Weapons – these items have +1 or +2 more enhancement versus a certain race. So a +3 sword could have a +5 property versus dragons.
20.4.2. Chaos, Law, Holy, and Unholy swords do divine damage to the opposing alignment. Negative damage could not be used because there are too many immunity spells to negative damage.
20.4.3. Throwing items like darts now provide many new on-hit effects like deafening, stun, etc.
[**Deafen, Stun, Blind, Confusion, Silence, Slow, Str damage, Con damage... others**]
20.4.4. New Holy Avenger that does positive damage.
20.4.5. Staffs may have ability points like intelligence to raise the caster’s DC.
20.4.6. Staffs can have every spell from level 0 to level 9.
25.4. The pickpocket formula has a range of [0, pickpocket rank/2] x the targets challenge rating/2. So with a pickpocket skill of 30 and a target of level 10, a player could pickpocket a minimum of 0gp and maximum of 15 x 5 = 75gp.
25.5. A pickpocket must roll at least 20 to pickpocket a non-hostile creature and at least 30 to pickpocket a hostile creature.
25.6. To detect a pickpocket, the target must have a spot check higher then the pickpocket check.
25.7. As a bonus, the pickpocket skill rank works as a percentage to find items on a monster.
29.1. The maximum base skills, minus items and feats, a player can have at any given level is 3 + class 1 levels (divide by 2 if cross-class skill) + class 2 levels (divide by 2 if cross-class skill) + class 3 levels (divide by 2 if cross-class skill) + the ability modifier for that skill. This is a major exploit in Neverwinter, where skill points can be carried over to other levels. This is no longer the case as it is fixed here. Example, the maximum CROSS-CLASS skill rank a player can have at level 20 is 3 + 20/2 = 13 + ability modifier (should be lower but makes it easier to remember). The maximum CLASS skill ranks a player may have at level 20 is 3 + 20 = 23 + ability modifier.
Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 05/13/07 16:06
Quote: Posted 05/12/07 14:42 (GMT) -- Saints of Apocalypse
I got an idea for your build.
You talk a lot to Mr. Pointy.. well take exotic and go with kukris.. That's MISTER and MISSES Sharp![]()
A lot more fun haha!
Quote: Posted 05/15/07 10:32 (GMT) -- Grimnir77
Answer me this. WHY on earth do you want SD in that build if assassin gets HiPS?
Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 05/15/07 22:37
Quote: Posted 05/15/07 19:13 (GMT) -- Bromium
Of course, it won't be a substitute for the feats obtained with 5 levels of SD.
Level 1 Hide in Plain Sight
Level 2 Darkvision, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge I
Level 3 Shadow Daze, Summon Shadow
Level 4 Shadow Evade
Level 5 Defensive roll, Uncanny Dodge II
Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 05/16/07 15:24
That's my point, he gets nothing. Better to spend 3 rogue levels to defensive roll than 5 SD. He'll even have two pre-epic feats more(maybe) without SD. Since he is a halfling who wields rapier he must be STR-based too. Defensive roll isn't to useful then.Quote: Posted 05/16/07 16:58 (GMT) -- grizzled_dwarflord
Given all the devastating changes to that server, who knows to what extent the shadow has changed. If they've changed things like Tumble and natural AC stacking, I'm willing to bet that just about every class has some changes. But we weren't given that info, so all of this, including the advice above, is conjecture, albeit educated conjecture.
Quote: Posted 05/16/07 20:09 (GMT) -- Tattoed Monk
Which brings me to the advice that was my first instinct to give: Find another server.