Hey all, I'm in need of some help with putting together a shifter build - a rather unorthodox one if you like.

The main form I want to use is Drow (which means at least 17 levels of Shifter for the epic versions of humanoid shapes). The build should be mainly PvM focused.
Also for Race preference I'd have to go with Elf (or Human if Elf is gimped too much).

My main issue is, what do I combine shifter with (other than 5-7 levels of dr00d)?

The server I play on does not allow Multiclassing Monks or Paladins, so those are out of the question. CoT is only allowed with Paladin or Fighter.

Also, Epic Dodge and Dev Crit are not allowed.

Lastly, the level cap from grinding monsters is 30, after that you will have to RP your way upwards.

The classes I've thought about so far:

Dr00d/Shifter/Fighter (For extra AB, damage feats). Since Drow form only has pre-set STR and DEX, this could very well be a CON-build. This would also allow forms like Gargoyle to come in handy.

Dr00d/Shifter/Assassin (For Uncanny Dodge + Death attacks). This build works best with Kobold commando (HiPS) of course, but I still have to mention that I want to use Drow form mostly.
This build would be either CON or INT based. The INT version would definately be the choice if you took Kobold as your main form.

Dr00d/Shifter/Cleric (For the insane AB clerics can get, and the other nice buffs available to them).
I'm inclined to go with this build actually, but I don't know if I should make it Wis/Cha based or Wis/Con based (not too high wisdom, since I would mainly memorize buffs). I'm not even sure the Charisma based one will work... I'd need 13 base STR for the divine feats too.

Dr00d/Shifter/Wizard? Not sure about this, is there any good potential in this combination?

I've already done tons of searching on Shifter builds, but I couldn't really find anyone that focuses on the Drow form. I know it's possibly because it gets shadowed out by Rak, Kobold, Gargoyle, Risen Lord.

Additional Notes: The world is a +4 gear setting, though higher can be obtained rarely (DM-RP rewards). This is why a +6 Longsword will kick Wiz-butt here (Unless they achieve level 32).

Anyways, hope you guys have some spare time to help me out =) *wipes a tear of joy from his eye*

Well *flexes his fingers* lets see.

You want a Drow form shifter, and you're searching for your third class.

Drow form means Melle attack is your primary bread and butter.

17 + 5 = 22, so that leaves you with a max 3rd class level of 18.

Since you're a Shifter, your AB will be horrible unless you take your third class pre-epic (if it's a warrior class).

You said you want to be Human or Elf so we'll stick with that (there is a difference for XP). When you shift into Drow, your race becomes Drow. So you might suffer from XP penalties for Multi Classing. Drow (like Elf) has Wizard as their preferred class. XP penalties can be bypass if you take a prestige as your third class of course.

You could make an Elf Dr/Sh/WM build. Choosing Longsword as your Weapon of Choice (since it's available from your Elf heritage). That would be a solid build.

You could be a Dr/Sh/As for some nice sneak damage. Your Assassin Spells will work when shifter. 8 or 9d6 sneak damage depending on your taste.

Dr/Sh/SD will give you HIPS. Your Shadow Evade will also help your AC/DR and give you a hunting buddy too. Your Shadow Daze attack will work while shifted.

Dr/Sh/BG is also a nice choice. You'd have some nice pre-epic BAB with blackguard, and you could get up to 5d6 sneak damage. BG feats work while shifted.

If you go Dr/Sh/Wiz then you'll be shifting alot, but you'll have Acid Sheath and Elemental Shield to use. You'd also have an Extended Darkness spell available in Drow form. Ultravision would help there too. Your AB would be low for a mellee type.


I would suggest the Blackguard build if you want to be evil.

- better bab
- sneak damage
- stackable Bull Strength

If you don't want to be evil, then go Weapon Master.

- better for crits
- a little AB boosts due to class level. Thanks for the quick reply.

One thing though, if I go WM, and go Elf.
Feats would be something like this:

1: Dodge
3: Awareness (Shifter req)
6: Mobility
9: Expertise
12: WF: Longsword
15: Spring Attack
18: WWA

That means only +2 BAB, not enough to get 4 APR's sadly. I could manage that with human, or staying with elf; if I take shifter at later levels. The thing is though, I need 17 Shifter levels by level 30 (since level cap from grinding ends there), and I can't manage that if I wait that long with Shifter.

That being said 4 apr's might not be needed (assassin, cleric, SD combo wouldn't manage that either), so I guess it could work if I decide to go with Elf (and you want that since human druid/shifters don't get martial/elf weapon profeciency).

That really only leaves Blackguard, which has some nice bonuses as well. Should I go for divine feats with Blackguard, or go mainly CON based?

*Edit* Regarding the divine feats, I already need PA and Cleave to qualify for Blackguard, so the option is there already.

Edited By CaZin0 on 06/14/07 23:05

remember that the Drow Epic Sword has onhit slow. so that may balance out your lack of 4th attack.

You are right in that bab @20 is only 15, so only 3 attacks per round. That's the life of a shifter for you.

The reason you should go with Elf is the avoidance of the XP penalty.

The nwnwiki indicates that Epic Drow gets -2 con. That's because you're now an elf, if you started with elf in the first place, you already took the -2 hit.


I think you'd want to have a little con, but mainly dump those skill points into charisma and take those devine feats.

Any means of boosting your AB or AC should be taken.

The Darkness from your drow side will also help you land extra sneak damage. Huh, you know, for any type of meleer I can assure you 4 APR will beat 3 APR, it's always worthwhile to take BAB pre-epic, even if it were less playable to do so, +1 AB is probably not very important, but +1 APR is. On the long run it's better.

Personally, I'd go Druid/Shifter/Fighter, Fighter will grant feats, EWS and BAB, besides you can take more than 5 Druid for some buffs, even if you're not a Monk to take the WIS AC bonus, a Druid still grants some good long term buffs, Druid 17 / Shifter 17 / Fighter 6 would work good.

Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 06/15/07 16:43

I tested that build, turns out divine shield will only give me a +3 AC (due to the Drow getting +13 AC from dodge, and I tested it with haste on, which means another +4 = 17 dodge AC). So at this point I'm inclined to not take that feat, but go for additional divine damage, or just go with a CON build, and maybe cleric (with War domain for additional STR/DEX/CON).

And @ Thax, fighter would work good as well, but cleric can get 4 APR as well, using Divine Power.

But then again, Druids get Aura of Vitality as well.