I started following a plan for a Monk build, but I guess I've gotten just a tad bored running back and forth through the woods and caves getting in long fist fights with bears and brawlers (...uhm.. my word). I've gotten dissatisfied watching guys with fewer levels come up and, whether with sword or magic (or both), demolish something with a blow or two that I've been grinding away at for a while. Don't get me wrong. I think it's cool that I can run around in a bathrobe and come away just as unscathed as guys who are stoked to the gills on magic buffs or swathed in shiny plate... but, momma! I want some of that flash and bang too!!! Trouble is, I'm 14 or 15 levels into this thing (with my schedule, a good chunk of a weeks worth), and I just don't really want to start over. Besides, I'm kinda attached to this guy. I just think it would be cool to give him some early Christmas presents, of say, some extensive levels of Cleric...
So here's where I'm at. If there is somebody who would give me guidance on this I would HUGELY appreciate it!!
Oh yeah. I know that answers to these questions has alot to do with -World specifics -Magic availability I've been playing on one of the BadLands servers. That's about all I know. Newbism runs deep in my family. _______________________________________
Magic Monk - Monk (1-12), SD (13,14)... so far.
Elf, Lawful/Neutral
(starting) STR: 10 (these are already set from the build I started) DEX: 18 CON: 10 WIS: 15 INT: 14 CHA: 8
SKILLS MAX all possible. Hide: Move Silent: Discipline: Tumble: Spellcraft: Concentration: ...there will be points left over.
Edited By mochamage on 08/06/07 17:10
Part 2
_____________________ This is what I have so far...
01 Monk(1): Dodge 02: Monk(2): 03: Monk(3): Weapon Finesse 04: Monk(4): [Dex 19] 05: Monk(5): 06: Monk(6): Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike 07: Monk(7): 08: Monk(8): [Dex 20} 09: Monk(9): Blind-fighting 10: Monk(10): 11: Monk(11): 12: Monk(12): Mobility [Dex 21] 13: SD(1): 14: SD(2): ___________________________ This is where I think I'd like to go..
...but...saying that, I know absolutely nothing about the fine art of character building. When I try to follow the discussions you guys have it feels like a 3rd grader listening into a conversation by some university physics students. So... when I place these things, I have no idea regarding proper arrangement, ideal numbers or effect or effectiveness.
* My intent was to take maybe three more levels of Shadow Dancer; but at what positions???
** I just noticed, from the CBC, I seem to be getting some serious 20% (per lvl??) XP penalty happening with the use of Cleric. Why?? Is there anything that can be done about that?? What is the affect??
*** The plan had called for "Weapon Focus: Kama" here, under the third SD level, but I really don't know if I want to go this direction (as far as Kama goes). My unarmed hits are much more powerful right now then using even a +2 kama w/electrical enhancement. Thats WITH the Kama weapon focus feat. The only reason I'm considering it, is it would give something (weapon) for my cleric to buff.)
**** The feats (compared to the originals below), would have to go much more into the Cleric direction.
OK... here's the rest of the plan I WAS following, just for perspective. But I know that everything would get scewered by the Class change:
15SD, Weapon Focus: Kama 16SD, Dex22 17CoT 18CoT, Expertise, Improved Crit: Unarmed 19Cot 20CoT, Dex 23, Improved Expertise 21CoT, Great Dex I 22CoT, Great Wisdom I 23CoT 24Shadowdancer, Dex25, Epic Dodge 25CoT, Greeat Wisdom II 26Monk 27Monk, EWF: Unarmed Strike 28Monk, Dex 26 29Monk 30Monk, Great Dex II 31Monk 32Monk, Dex 28 33Monk(20), Great Dex III 34CoT 35CoT, Great Wisdom III 36Monk, Great Dex III, Dex31 37Monk 38Monk 39Monk, Epic Prowess 40Monk, Dex 32, Armor Skin(Monk Bonus Feat)
Quote: Posted 08/06/07 16:47 (GMT) -- mochamage
STR: 10 (these are already set from the build I started) DEX: 18 CON: 10 WIS: 15 INT: 14 CHA: 8
I'm sorry! I forgot to clarify that in going Cleric, my selection of abilities would change from DEX to WIS from this point onward.
Quote: From this point on, I'm not sure whether to go Monk all the way, or Cleric all the way, or more mixture.
I'm leaning to heavier Cleric if it's recommended.
Uhh... I think that's all...
Edited By mochamage on 08/06/07 17:38
why are you changing to cleric? the way that cot version is set will give you 16 apr (if my math is right.. and keep in mind I got married this past weekend so its not very sure at this point).
imvho, dont alter the build to cleric. COT will help you out alot more. IF you wanted to do cleric, monk cot cleric would have been the way to go. You are an elf with high dex, and if you stop feeding that stat now, you will be hurting later on as ac will suffer (iirc).
The one thing you have to remember is that the stats were set for THAT build. Changing from cleric ( a wis class) to cot (cha class) requires more than ON THE FLY adjusting. SO, if you enjoy the character, keep him on the cot path. Play a cleric later on (one especially designed for cleric.. if you like elf maybe Click Here shameless plug!)
In all honesty though, my priest elf can be adjusted more than your build cuz the idea is to have a dexer with ED. Without armor and ED you will taste PAIN!
just my two cents... OFF TO THE HONEYMOON
For those that get the above,
Edited By avado on 08/06/07 19:29
Sigh.. OK. I understand. (yikes.. I can actually say that. "I understand"!) I appreciate the instruction avado. Actually you were one I was thinking I'd like to ask about this, because of your experience with Clerics. Here's to growing up.
Edited By mochamage on 08/06/07 20:08
Ok, lots of things to add here actually...
Quote: My intent was to take maybe three more levels of Shadow Dancer; but at what positions???
Well, you should probably take 5 Shadowdancer levels to qualify for Epic Dodge and for skilldumping UMD, which means you should get the fifth SD level by the time you get 25 DEX, just noticed you are taking it so no problem there. For skilldumping UMD take SD levels where you can raise UMD in multiples of 5, it only works in multiples of 5.
Quote: I just noticed, from the CBC, I seem to be getting some serious 20% (per lvl??) XP penalty happening with the use of Cleric. Why?? Is there anything that can be done about that?? What is the affect??
You are an Elf, favored class Wizard, not Monk nor Cleric, taking two classes with more than 2 levels of difference between them (Monk 12 and Cleric 1 have 11 levels of difference) give you 20% XP penalty, Prestige Classes do not apply.
Quote: The plan had called for "Weapon Focus: Kama" here, under the third SD level, but I really don't know if I want to go this direction (as far as Kama goes). My unarmed hits are much more powerful right now then using even a +2 kama w/electrical enhancement. Thats WITH the Kama weapon focus feat. The only reason I'm considering it, is it would give something (weapon) for my cleric to buff.)
Here's the deal, if you're taking Cleric is for the buffs, and what are the buffs? many, read the spell list, but some of the strongest buffs in low magic are Darkfire and Greater Magical Weapon, you can't buff your fists with that, so a kama will be heck a lot stronger than your fists.
For effects of taking a kama wielder Monk/Cleric you already have too many Monk levels... you pretty much forget about unarmed strike and go kama with a Monk/Cleric. But it won't matter, the 12 MOnk levels do help for Epic Dodge, so don't feel like you screwed up or anything.
Domains: Depends on teh environment, the main Domain is Trickery, it grants you Improved Invisibility as spell, it rocks, 50% concealment just owns, the other, you pick Travel for Haste, or if there is perm-haste armor you pick War for Aura of Vitality.
Quote: -- Avado -- why are you changing to cleric? the way that cot version is set will give you 16 apr (if my math is right.. and keep in mind I got married this past weekend so its not very sure at this point).
imvho, dont alter the build to cleric. COT will help you out alot more. IF you wanted to do cleric, monk cot cleric would have been the way to go. You are an elf with high dex, and if you stop feeding that stat now, you will be hurting later on as ac will suffer (iirc).
Not that your math is wrong, rather your typing, 16 APR cannot be reached, I suspect you meant BAB, don't confuse the poor guy.
Cleric is a strong class, and a perfect combination for any Monk, a CoT won't grant what Cleric's buffs can, however, the thing is that CoT as a Prestige class won't give XP penalty, but Cleric will until your Cleric level reaches your monk level.
As a dex based monk with no sneak attack you really need damage sources, your fist or kama just won't make the cut, CoT won't really give damage, Cleric will, so Cleric is a better option, Rogue or Assassin could work good instead of Cleric; Assassin needs alignment change but won't give XP penalty, Rogue gives bonus feats on class levels 10, 13, 16 and 19 bu with XP penalty. _________________
Quote: Posted 12/19/06 19:54 (GMT) -- FinneousPJ
Thax the Shadow Dragon sez: MONKS USE KAMAS. Just ask him.
Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 08/07/07 01:19
Thaxll'ssyllia, You stirred new hope in me I didn't really want to shove him in the broom closet, but... well, I needed a shot in the arm. Thanks for taking your time to input. I think I'll bandage him up and see where things can take us. Thanks again. He may not be the perfect build, but I think this'll help make him a little more enjoyable.
Quote: My intent was to take maybe three more levels of Shadow Dancer; but at what positions???
Well, you should probably take 5 Shadowdancer levels to qualify for Epic Dodge and for skilldumping UMD, which means you should get the fifth SD level by the time you get 25 DEX, just noticed you are taking it so no problem there. For skilldumping UMD take SD levels where you can raise UMD in multiples of 5, it only works in multiples of 5.
hmmm... I just realized that none of the three classes, including SD seem to have UMD as a skill option. No UMD skilldump. Bummer
Then skilldump Tumble with Monk levels. _________________
Quote: Posted 12/19/06 19:54 (GMT) -- FinneousPJ
Thax the Shadow Dragon sez: MONKS USE KAMAS. Just ask him.
Quote: Posted 08/06/07 20:07 (GMT) -- mochamage
Sigh.. OK. I understand. (yikes.. I can actually say that. "I understand"!) I appreciate the instruction avado. Actually you were one I was thinking I'd like to ask about this, because of your experience with Clerics. Here's to growing up.
Just got back from honeymoon. Any time! You know the FIRST thing i will tell you???
Come to the mountain and play PRC clerics with us! There is NOTHING like having a castable PM in your pocket from lv 2!!
Seriously though, pm me with a question if you like.
And, sorry bout the typin thing, I was goin on my honeymoon/gettin married thingy. _________________
With such a low Strength, you are definately making your battles last a while. Just for future reference, it would have been better to sacrifice some Intelligence for some Strength.
Now, from a moderate Powergamer point of view, your best bet would be to take Cleric and use Kamas (as others have stated). This would allow you to cast Darkfire on them, allowing you to do some nice fire damage; off-setting your lack of strength. However, as others have also noted, this will incur an XP penalty for quite a while. If you are willing to deal with that, then that would probably be your best bet (imho).
However, if your willing, you could try using Wizard instead (no XP penalty, plus you have 14 INT). Granted, you will lose some AB and HP, so you might want to play with the build in a trainer mod to see how it goes. But here is my thought:
AB 40 - [BAB 24 + DEX 11 + WF 1 + EWF 2 + EP 1] AC 36 - [Base 10 + DEX 11 + WIS 2 + Monk 5 + Tumble 8]
Basically you can cast Flame weapon on your Kama for 1d4+8 fire damage. It will only last 8 hours, but you should can always recast it. Also with 4 Wizard spell levels, you can cast Haste (3rd level) as will as stat buffs (either extended in the third slot or empowered in the 4th, depending on your feat choice).
I should mention that I normally eschew kamas, but in this case it is a quick remedy to your damage problems. Actually, it might have been better to go the Dual-Wield route for more APR, but with only 2 feats left pre-epic, it kinda kills that.
So basically you have an Epic Dodge, high dex build with 50% concealment and some "decent" damage from Kamas.
Anyway, I haven't tested the build, so take it with at grain of salt.