greetings all.

Im looking for a wizard build. Requirements are:
1) high spell effectiveness. ie if i cast a spell i want the thing to do something. not just fizzle out
2) spell slots - lots n lots of spell slots
3)surviveability. must be able to take a couple hits

I am playing on legends of chance if that helps with the build at all.

any suggestions would be great. I will admit i have tried about 10 times now to make a wiz build and i suck at them but i love the class so would be really gratefull if anyone could help out.

thanks a mill
Piggy Just a suggestion, but you could try this one on for size, giving you 4 Schools of Magic with a very high Spell DC. A Spell Penetration of 40+1d20 and a half decent HP for a mage too.

Spanky the Gnome by I...Samphus.


Mithradates - Arcane Trebuchet
Grizzld Dwarflord's - Mestil's Pale Emissary
Grizzld Dwarflord's - The War Wizard

There are plenty more besides Exalted Sorceress is also worth looking into. Would have said that too, but he's after a Wiz