haseo wonders* i wonder if anyone will actualy read or try this hhhuuumm...*"come one come all try to do this i bet you cant "
well guys im back final got a new computer so everything should work but heres my master challenge PRC or CEP either works perfered CEP if need be but i guess PRC is ok anything goes im going to be using these mostly for pvm with some pvp im making this a challenge so if you see some oen elses build for one catagory you can stil post your im going to take the best of each group IMO here goes build 1 and 2 best AB build (melee and ranged)(im pretty sure ranged is an AA build not sure on the melee)
build 3 Best ac build
build 4 build with high ac and hp(mega tanker)(half orc maybe?) and still some ab(~20+)
well hae fun this will let some of you veterans rake your brains for this one err...seven
Best AB build melee is a Halfling FTR/HS/WM, DEX-based finesse build. I think the split is something along the lines of FTR 11/HS 1/WM 28.
Actually, there may be a dragon build that gets something higher.
Best ranged AB build is an arcane archer.
Highest AC build was posted a long while back by cdaulepp. Something like CLC/Bard/PM with improved Expertise. It got up to 137 or more AC (can't recall the exact number) with +20 gear.
High AC and HPs: likely going to be a Bard/PM based build, using either Gnome or Dwarf. Probably BBN for the third class, and pumping CON.
Assassin/Thief master: not sure what you mean by the death blow fusion comment. Are you looking for a high Death Attack DC or just the most sneak dice you can get? If the latter, go with Rogue 39/Assassin 1 or Rogue 29/Assassin 11 if you want the Assassin's spell-like abilities. Take all 10 Improved Sneak Attack feats. Final sneak dice tally is 41d6.
Max number of attacks is anything with 16+ BAB, Haste, and Monk levels that exploits the Monk's attack schedule and uses Flurry of Blows.
Ultimate build: you've got to define 'ultimate'. One person's preference in that category is going to be far different from another's. _________________ It's rogue, dammit, ROGUE!!! screw you, there's no point in this. If I make a build there has to be a purpose. Max AC or AB or HP won't make the perfect build, so I don't think it's worth it anyway.
I've said many times that an ultimate build is not possible, if it were, we would've built it a long time ago and everybody would use it for PvP, making it not-so-ultimate in practical terms.
You have to choose which is the ideal build for you. My perfect builds are Druid / Monk and Cleric / Monk / Dwarven Defender because they're highly playable good casters + meleers, but you might not like them, and they're far from invincible. That said I already made those builds so I don't need to be making ultimate builds for every dude that goes by asking with no purpose, I suppose most builders here also have builds they like already done, you should make a search for them before spawning a useless challenge. _________________
Quote: Posted 07/28/06 23:16:09 (GMT) -- Big Meph Using the 2 ESF's in a dex based sneak build, to me, just looks like you're teasing your diabetic opponent with extra sugar on your whipcream covered chocolate mudcake.
@Cinnabar Din a few things the assassin/theive thing is that it has max sneak attacks and a decent dc for death blow also what is a BBN i havent played in so long i forget all the abbreviations for stuff and the utimate build was just cause i remember someone saying there was this one bidl he or she had and it was godly they called it the ultimate build i think it had cleric/and some kind of prc classes thing could buff itself so much i could probably 1 hit kill most things thanks for the advise though im going to search for those one you mentioned i was looking up the ac build my self and say they wouldnt be very playable at all just waking wall
@Thaxll'ssyllia(other then the fact that your name is rediculasly hard to spell) nice to see you to and i realy just am trying to find something that can be a more or less god charecter for personaly perpises
now to all ill be a bt more specific builds one i think is covered enless someone finds a better one thats a dragon build 2- ill look up on search for the best AA so thats covered im thinkig rouge/bard(or wizard)/AA or somehting like that build 3 forget build 4 forget build 5 if someone could find a specific rouge(and/or)assassin/X that does serious damage (str-based?)(dual weilder if possible)(through mostly sneaks) that can also go toe to toe with crit. immune enemys (undead,constructs ect.) also if you drop rouge (perfered)or assassin for shadow dancers HiPS thats fine as well as long as it keeps at least most of the sneaks (13+) build 6 if someone could make a monk/cleric/(if possibly WM if not fighter) that can cast haste that woud be good and for the last just if someone could find a build that can just blow a hole through just about anything and still take a punch
and by the way thax (there i abbreiated your name) I LIKE MAKING REDICULOUS CHALLENGES LIKE THIS
Edited By haseo terror of death on 07/10/08 19:13
As to your Assassin/Rogue, if you want a high Death Attack DC, then go with much more Assassin levels. Something like Rogue 13/Assassin 27 will get you the same 41d6 sneak attack 9assuming you take all 10 Imp SA feats), and you can still get Epic Dodge if you're going DEX based. The Death Attack DC will be 37 + INT modifier for that build.
If you want to go STR based and still dual wield, you can do so. Keep the same split or go Rogue 11/Assassin 29 for 2 more DC on the Death Attack.
Slipping SD in there is no big deal either. Rogue 13/SD 1/Assassin 26 loses you 1d6 sneak, but otherwise is the same.
Ideally, I think it would be better to take a hit on some of the sneak dice and grab levels of FTR for some feats and a BAB boost to get a full attack routine.
BBN = Barbarian, btw.
Thax: no need to abuse the guy. If you don't want to give him any help, then don't but you don't need to be rude to him. _________________ It's rogue, dammit, ROGUE!!!
Quote: @Thaxll'ssyllia(other then the fact that your name is rediculasly hard to spell)
If you think it's ridiculously hard to spell now try to pronounce it
Quote: by the way thax (there i abbreiated your name)
Most people do call me Thax to make it easy to write, no problem about it, the only one who really needs to know how to spell it is me (and I do write it every time I log in).
Well, a good choice IMO for your build 5 can be a Rogue 19 / Ranger 21, the Ranger gets you Bane of Enemies, which deals a good amount of damage, take as Favored Enemies all the sneak-immune enemies and done, a nice build there.
Your ultimate build can still go to hell though. Clerics with Travel Domain cast Haste, so I don't understand exactly why you pointed out that a Monk / Cleric / X needs to cast Haste, you already gave yourself the requirements. In order to blow the hole through everything you require high AB and damage plus breaching damage spells. My advice is to get real, there are specialized defense builds which you won't be able to kill easily (or at all).
In the PvP usually arcane casters are the best, they can have a hard time against sneaks, high SR Monks, Devastating Critical or Arcane Archers, but in general strong casters kill anything and everything, if they can increase their defenses enough they win. I like the Sorcerer 37 / Paladin 1 / Blackguard 2, it gets saves high enough to resist Devastating Critical.
Quote: Thax: no need to abuse the guy. If you don't want to give him any help, then don't but you don't need to be rude to him.
I'm aware, but I couldn't help myself: the gods compelled me to object, my killer instincts did the rest. _________________ The world is full of lies! “Thou shalt not kill”, “Thou shalt not steal”. These are all deceptions. “I don't want to be killed”, “I don't want to be a victim of theft”, that is why they use lies like justice and morals to protect their weak selves.
Edited By Thaxll'ssyllia on 07/11/08 04:22
ok Cinnabar Din i like the ftr assassin theif dual weilding ideal now im going to make it my self but any advice on lvl split and starting stats
thax im going to go with your ideal Sorcerer 37 / Paladin 1 / Blackguard 2 it sounds like it would be wicked in pvp so now its like this for builds
1 done Halfling FTR/HS/WM, DEX-based finesse build. I think the split is something along the lines of FTR 11/HS 1/WM 28.
2 done (found a nice AA build through the search engine)
3 done Cause i said screw it cause they are not very playable
4 done doing cins ideal likely going to be a Bard/PM based build, using either Gnome or Dwarf. Probably BBN for the third class, and pumping CON.
5 donish after i get cins advice
6 done going to go with a monk cleric weapon master
7 going with thax's Sorcerer 37 / Paladin 1 / Blackguard 2(which i dont get cause you cant be paladion black gaurd i thought)
Quote: Posted 07/11/08 14:47 (GMT) -- haseo terror of death 7 going with thax's Sorcerer 37 / Paladin 1 / Blackguard 2(which i dont get cause you cant be paladion black gaurd i thought)
You need an alignment shift.
You start as Lawful Good, take paladin in level 1 or 2 and then start a sadistic massacre or something to become evil, you can't be a Blackguard until around level 11 anyway (you won't get the BAB from a Sorcerer earlier than that, you also require Cleave), so you might be evil by then if your server allows Alignment change. _________________
Quote: Posted 05/09/08 07:26 (GMT) -- avado
THax, you know i love and respect you, right?
Quote: Posted 07/11/08 14:47 (GMT) -- haseo terror of death
1 done Halfling FTR/HS/WM, DEX-based finesse build. I think the split is something along the lines of FTR 11/HS 1/WM 28.
Um, this is not exactly THE "best AB" build. That's only in theory, since you have to be in a +20 environment. If you're in a more normal environment with +5 items or so, then it's not even difficult to surpass the AB you get in this build. And take into consideration that it has no Uncanny Dodge, little damage output, no UMD and either not tumble AC before lvl 37, or less than 8 tumble AC.
You need to give us some info on your envirinment for such requests. _________________ We are sons of Odin, and the fire that we burn inside is the legacy of warrior-kings who reign above in the sky I will lead the charge, my sword into the wind Sons of Odin fights to die and live again
Quote: Posted 07/11/08 14:47 (GMT) -- haseo terror of death
ok Cinnabar Din i like the ftr assassin theif dual weilding ideal now im going to make it my self but any advice on lvl split and starting stats
Oh I don't know. Maybe something like FTR 6/Rogue 5/Assassin 29 if STR-based. FTR 6/Rogue 13/Assassin 21 if DEX-based. Just tossing out some rough ideas. You could adjust for more FTR if you need some more feats. Or go more Rogue if you don't care about the Death Attack DC.
As for stats, you need at least 15 DEX if you're dual wielding. I'd take 14 INT (for skill points and access to Improved KD). Start with 16 STR if going the STR route. 16 or 18 DEX if going the DEX route (depending on what race you choose). _________________ It's rogue, dammit, ROGUE!!!
alrighty well with everything hee more or less done i have a concept im working on any one readthe wheel of time saga well im trying to concive a rand althor (the draon reborn) charecter im thinking cause he is a fighter more or less for the first two books then slowly begins to gain "magic" that he would be fighter sorcerer and maybe weapon master(causes hes a blade master) or red dragon dicipline (cause well who wouldnt think the dragon reborn would have dragon like abilitys) any thoughts or comments so far i figured stats str like 16 dex like 10-12 con 13 or 14 wisdom 10 intel. 12 charisma liek 13then slowly raise chr for the spells then rest to str fighter 1-6 trying to get all the feats needed for his thrid class(if he goes WM) and just plain becoming stronger with weapon specalization for hsi sword whihch will be a katana cause hes just a better sword the long sword then some sorcerer lvls(4 or 5) then either RDD levels or WM then if needed more fighter for some feats and power then sorcerer til i have access to all spells the the rest make fighter or (WM or RDD) so what do you guys think
Edited By haseo terror of death on 07/14/08 14:59
Wow its been awhile since I read those books, It brings back found memories of puffing on a little something-something and getting lost in my book. But anyways I like the FTR/SOR/WM Idea pre-epic FTR6/SOR8/WM6 post-epicFTR2/SOR17/WM1 FTR8/WM7/SOR25 when its all said and done. Not sure about the #'s and I have company so I cant throw anything together right now. I don't know about the whole RDD aspect (although I know where your coming from) as I don't like the wings and tail but thats just me.
_________________ Spirit, It is the hero's strength, the mother's resilience, and the poor man's armor. It cannot be broken, and it cannot be taken away. This I must believe. ~ Drizzt Do'Urden
Edited By sbtedarknight on 07/14/08 21:18
My idea of an ULTIMATE build is a cleric (full caster lvl) with Epic Mage Armor, Epic Warding, Epic Storm Mantle (among other epic spells), with The prc spell Living undeath (castable PM) and dev crit. I have handeled just about anything that could be thrown at you pvm, solo. Is there really anything else to ask? Like cinn said, ultimate is YOUR interpretation, and what works for me will most likely NOT work for you.
If you havent figured this out yet, read cinn's post again. _________________