I am planning to play on deepingdale, so I won't be able to be a rakshasa or include the following:

PnP shifter

Beside that, is there a good longsword or bastard sword soulknife build? Seems like a cool class, if I could see how to make it even powerful it would be great. If that is impossible, could you suggest an equally cool build? I know this is a very vague request but don't know much about PRC. I am not sure how much help we can be for you. I am really one of the few that play PRC and, even that, i am limited on (prc is big). It seems that your best bet is to check the forum for the server.

Once you do that, it is not a big deal to check the build search for a similar build using nwn classes. The PRC doesnt have a search.

Sorry i cant be of any more help than that, as i have no idea what you are refering too.

Good Luck