I wanted to mix items from the Epic Sorc build with being crit/sneak immune and also pull some items in from rev matt's crazy sorc dwarf. This is what I came up with. It's far more versatile then a sorc can be since it can get all spells and prepare with them when needed although obviously a difference in number of casts at the higher levels. For example my exalted sorc had 9 casts of (3) different level 9 spells when I was 22 or so. This char would have 5 or so depending on gear but could be out of ANY level 9 spells as opposed to sorcs which would most likely be bigby's, mords and 1 more (depending on server.
I'm not going to do the official crazy formatting build post because I don't consider it an epic build more of a modification of existing builds. As near as I can tell it should demolish most of the crazy melee on my server and have at least a fair chance of beating casters if I anticipate and plan well (wizard strength!) lol