You really like dexer monks! ever watch a sparrow fight a tree? bout the same effectiveness!Quote: Posted 11/20/09 03:12 (GMT) -- raven blackwood 92
Looked over the feat skill set for monks before epic seems a bit hit and miss really.
blind fight(for concealed foes)
weapon finess(dexer type )
improve initative (nice to react first)
for gr cleave to be WORTH it, you need to really be able to do SIGNIFICANT damage with each hit. Dex monks cant. It is generally, of the opinion of those around that the ONLY time Gr cl is worth it is when you go for Dev crit. Otherwise, it isnt.Quote:
these ones i liked:
power attack (gets greater cleave)
greater cleave (for mobs)
weapon focus (more can not hurt)
Extra stun? If you are making a stunner. Dodge, YES. SA, WW? Why? you get tumble as class skill and ww is great with no damage!Quote:
questioning ones:
extra stuns? (3 more make a big deal?)
dodge(that really +1 dodge?)
mobility(need dodge as well)
spring attack (no oppurtinities in movemnt... that needed for a monk?)
whirl attack (that any good for a monk? )
I know expertise and improved expertise tried working it with both and really flipping back and forth from flurry blows doubt be so inclined.
never really worth it EVER, imho.We NEVER talk about a build with ANY gear. While the ring may be common in OC, it may not be on a pw. Oh, and without 4 ftr lvls, specialzation is IMPOSSIBLE!Quote:
I know weapon specialize and improve crit hands ...can offset with a ring of might ...why not mentioned them.
after epic pretty easy to figure out what to do but perhaps there feat ovr looked that is good or just me?
Actually it's more like a woodpecker, but the point is still valid.Quote: Posted 11/20/09 04:42 (GMT) -- avado
You really like dexer monks! ever watch a sparrow fight a tree? bout the same effectiveness!
Edited By Mick Dagger on 11/20/09 12:43
The spell reistance for monks whats a good number to come in at I heard 62 is the magic number ? that correct?Quote: Posted 11/20/09 21:15 (GMT) -- raven blackwood 92
The spell reistance for monks whats a good number to come in at I heard 62 is the magic number ? that correct?
I believe a dev will not trigger a great cleave. Assuming I'm not mistaken, that would make great cleave a rather bad feat choice for a dever (ignoring, for the moment, that there is no choice.). Great Cleave is useful for those who do decent to good damage, but who's APR suffers. That is still most definitely not a DEX monkey.Quote: Posted 11/20/09 04:42 (GMT) -- avado It is generally, of the opinion of those around that the ONLY time Gr cl is worth it is when you go for Dev crit. Otherwise, it isnt.
Quote: Posted 11/21/09 05:40 (GMT) -- onion eaterI believe a dev will not trigger a great cleave. Assuming I'm not mistaken, that would make great cleave a rather bad feat choice for a dever (ignoring, for the moment, that there is no choice.). Great Cleave is useful for those who do decent to good damage, but who's APR suffers. That is still most definitely not a DEX monkey.Quote: Posted 11/20/09 04:42 (GMT) -- avado It is generally, of the opinion of those around that the ONLY time Gr cl is worth it is when you go for Dev crit. Otherwise, it isnt.
Yes, you must take it for Dev, which is the best reason to take it, but not the only one. It's not an awful feat in and of itself, at least in the right situations. If you've got a fighter heavy build, perhaps using a two hander, with pre-epic feats to blow, it's not an awful feat. No, you don't have to be fighting 20 hp kabolds to make use of it. All you have to do is kill more than one opponents in a round. This doesn't mean you need one hit kills. One also doesn't need to have seven great cleaves in a round. A single extra attack, every several rounds, has value. How great is that value? Not so much, but often enough it's at least a decent feat choice, compared to alternatives.Quote: Posted 11/21/09 14:44 (GMT) -- avado
onion, you MUST take gr cleave to get dev crit! That is the ONLY reason to take gr cleave, to get dev crit! The USE of gr cl is pretty much useless UNLTESS you are fighting some kobalds that are 20 lvls lower than you! Then you gr cl away! The gr cleave discussion has been had MANY times on various pages of this guild and the ONLY time to take it is to QUALIFY for Dev crit (like that better??)
Quote: Posted 11/21/09 18:20 (GMT) -- onion eater
.. All you have to do is kill more than one opponents in a round. This doesn't mean you need one hit kills. One also doesn't need to have seven great cleaves in a round. A single extra attack, every several rounds, has value. How great is that value? Not so much, but often enough it's at least a decent feat choice, compared to alternatives.
Extra, as in beyond what you already have.Quote: Posted 11/21/09 18:37 (GMT) -- avado
CLEAVE? thanks for proving the point that cleave>>> gr cleave!